Backyard Brahmas!!

How many roosters do you see?

I see a few pullets in there.
THe first picture - the two birds most over under the tree look like pullets, the bird most forward and the one on the right of the two standing right together (the one with the most visible red on face) look to be roos - bird on left not really visible enough
Second picture - again, see two that jump out and say ROO - bird to the left with side facing camera near the front and bird facing camera, slightly back and right (with obvious red showing on face)
Third picture - three jumping out saying "roo" - three to left of tree
The rest either look like pullets or are not easily seen enough for a guess.
Here is one more that might be a little better.

What exactly should I be looking for? Is it just the red face? Some have a lot, some have none, and some have a little.
Here is one more that might be a little better.
What exactly should I be looking for? Is it just the red face? Some have a lot, some have none, and some have a little.

I see two cockerels, the two to the left. The red wattles and combs compared to the others are a dead give-away. The one on the far right looks boyish to me, too. His comb and wattles aren't as red, but he has the darker feathering on his back.
I see two cockerels, the two to the left. The red wattles and combs compared to the others are a dead give-away. The one on the far right looks boyish to me, too. His comb and wattles aren't as red, but he has the darker feathering on his back.

X2. Also look at the saddle feathering, it looks like it is coming in long and thin on the one all of the way to the right. I'd also be a little concerned that the one behind the second one, with the long, black tail feathers showing might also be a cockerel. Not sure since I can't see the face. How old are these again?
X2. Also look at the saddle feathering, it looks like it is coming in long and thin on the one all of the way to the right. I'd also be a little concerned that the one behind the second one, with the long, black tail feathers showing might also be a cockerel. Not sure since I can't see the face. How old are these again?
Ooops, sorry. That one with the tail feathers is #2 from the left, definitely a cockerel.
They are 13 weeks. Well sounds like I will have a few to choose from, to hopefully get a GOOD Roo.
Just so you know, male chickens under 1 year of age are cockerels, over 1 year of age are cock birds (really they are cocks but I just can't bring myself to leave the birds part off
), female under 1 year are called pullets and over 1 year are hens. Although this is the not so serious thread about Brahmas, some folks really hate the word rooster being applied to the male chicken. Just for anyone that is curious, the word rooster originated (as closely as can be determined) in 1772, from roost (earlier roost cock, 1606), in sense of "the roosting bird," favored in the U.S. as a puritan alternative to cock, which even then was slang that referred to male sexual organs. I guess even today, we are guided by our founders puritan principles.

I thought maybe I'd just get all of the bad stuff out of the way today, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. Below is a picture of two of my LF darks hocks. I've never had vulture hocks before, but this looks suspiciously like vulture hocks coming in. Can anyone tell me? They are 26 days old. Please don't sugar coat it, I'd rather know now.


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