Backyard Brahmas!!

It's been awhile since I've posted on here. My last notable adventure with my flock was my first hatch that took place back in May-April of this year. My kids took not bothering the eggs way too seriously. My broody mama wound up sitting on way too many eggs. She came off the nest early after the first four. I found out from some awesome people on here about a little trick with a heat lamp. And hatched two more using the lamp. Out of the six hatched four were cockerels, :/. My little guy is just shy of 5 mths. old and doing great, yes he is mixed. Part Brahma and part game (my big guy is an old farm raised game cock).
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It's been awhile since I've posted on here. My last notable adventure with my flock was my first hatch that took place back in May-April of this year. My kids took not bothering the eggs way too seriously. My broody mama wound up sitting on way too many eggs. She came off the nest early after the first four. I found out from some awesome people on here about a little trick with a heat lamp. And hatched two more using the lamp. Out of the six hatched four were cockerels,
. My little guy is just shy of 5 mths. old and doing great, yes he is mixed. Part Brahma and part game (my big guy is an old farm raised game cock).
Such a handsome boy. He looks so tall. I'd love to see how he's going to turn out. I'll bet when he fills out in a year or so he's going to be a very impressive little barnyard brahma.
Such a handsome boy.  He looks so tall.  I'd love to see how he's going to turn out.  I'll bet when he fills out in a year or so he's going to be a very impressive little barnyard brahma.  

I had to keep him out of the rest when his white came in. I couldn't stand not seeing him full grown. Guess I'm a sucker for them. It will definitely be interesting to see the end result.
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soo I don't know about any possible politican thoughts or drama over the breeding mixing or what have you of chickens , I do have a question about brahma mixes I had thought I would like to have my rooster a brahma for a few reason size for the babies for meat production, gentleness of nature, ability to get along with other roos, less noisy inclined breed, and few other factors into my decision making process anyways someone had mentioned how they had crossed a brahma with an astrolorp and how very slow they were to maturity like they had gone on super underdrive in maturing well thats a negative for possible meat for the family so anyone share their wisdom and experience with such?
soo I don't know about any possible politican thoughts or drama over the breeding mixing or what have you of chickens , I do have a question about brahma mixes I had thought I would like to have my rooster a brahma for a few reason size for the babies for meat production, gentleness of nature, ability to get along with other roos, less noisy inclined breed, and few other factors into my decision making process anyways someone had mentioned how they had crossed  a brahma with an astrolorp and how very slow they were to maturity like they had gone on super underdrive in maturing well thats a negative for possible meat for the family so anyone share their wisdom and experience with such? 

the only suggestion ihave is to find a cock bird that not only can produce meaty offspring, but also a quick maturity rate. Maybe a leghorn, or a Rhode island breed. I'm sure you want a decent amount of meat in the least amount of time. You also have to worry about the size of the fast maturing breed. I've had people tell me about trying out a smaller sized cock bird with their larger hens and the cocks couldn't hold their own against the ladies.
the only suggestion ihave is to find a cock bird that not only can produce meaty offspring, but also a quick maturity rate. Maybe a leghorn, or a Rhode island breed. I'm sure you want a decent amount of meat in the least amount of time. You also have to worry about the size of the fast maturing breed. I've had people tell me about trying out a smaller sized cock bird with their larger hens and the cocks couldn't hold their own against the ladies.
soo I don't know about any possible politican thoughts or drama over the breeding mixing or what have you of chickens , I do have a question about brahma mixes I had thought I would like to have my rooster a brahma for a few reason size for the babies for meat production, gentleness of nature, ability to get along with other roos, less noisy inclined breed, and few other factors into my decision making process anyways someone had mentioned how they had crossed  a brahma with an astrolorp and how very slow they were to maturity like they had gone on super underdrive in maturing well thats a negative for possible meat for the family so anyone share their wisdom and experience with such? 

what breed is your cock bird? I misread your previous post.

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