Backyard Brahmas!!

I had a great rooster that has since gone off to live with a more appropriate flock. He was so gentle and easy going with humans when caught, and steered clear when he was not being captured. He would get a little posturing going on if I was capturing hens but never aggressive but I still would not trust a child with him. He stood very tall next to my 6yo niece so would never take the chance of him thinking it was time to test the waters when I was not close enough to intercede. They are still animals which means they are somewhat unpredictable. He was a dream rooster that would allow me to do anything when it came to a health and wellness check and tolerated being carted around while the hens were gathered and checked but still you cannot be sure an animal that has a healthy respect for your dominance will have the same for a child.
Thank you for the great information. I work with dogs and can read them like a book, triggers, escalating stress signals, calming signals, and all. But I don't know all the little things that can lead to an attack from a rooster.

Aside from the things I do know, there are others that we just can't know. Considering the size of a rooster's brain, how do we really know all the in's and out's of how he thinks? Sometimes, a rooster may seem to turn bad late in life and you'll never know why. Maybe he's been severely traumatized by a predator trying to get into the coop for days in a row or he's seen one that sets him on edge or just anything. For all the things we can predict, there are many we just cannot.

I can see in a rooster's eyes if he's about to turn on me or if his temperament has taken a nosedive. Atlas has the kindest, softest expression. All the ones I've loved and lost have had that. But the one who turned on me at an advanced age, his expression hardened. Even my friend visiting said she saw the change in him just from the expression that said he'd get you when he had the chance.

And another thing-my husband put that rooster in the night coop as much as I did, but he only turned on me. Why is a mystery, always will be. Doesn't matter, though-I could not risk a big rooster knocking me off my feet on this rock-and-root-ridden mountain property after my ankle break and surgery. Not worth it.
Blanche is 3 weeks old, and healthy and snuggly and quite the ham. Literally a ham, she eats nonstop. Her feathering is just gorgeous.... and I spied two little black feathers coming in on her underside near her tail. I had to do a double take because I thought sometime was stuck to her. Nope, just the blackest of black feathers. She wouldn't let me lift up her skirt to take a pic though.... ;)

Blanche is 3 weeks old, and healthy and snuggly and quite the ham. Literally a ham, she eats nonstop. Her feathering is just gorgeous.... and I spied two little black feathers coming in on her underside near her tail. I had to do a double take because I thought sometime was stuck to her. Nope, just the blackest of black feathers. She wouldn't let me lift up her skirt to take a pic though.... ;)
She's a cutie! I can't wait to see pics of her as she grows :) did you hatch her or get her from a breeder or hatchery?
She's a cutie! I can't wait to see pics of her as she grows
did you hatch her or get her from a breeder or hatchery?

Hatchery.... she either from Ideal or Dunlap (my farm store special ordered my chicks for me, and those are their two hatcheries they coordinate orders from). She is sure a sweetheart!
Hatchery.... she either from Ideal or Dunlap (my farm store special ordered my chicks for me, and those are their two hatcheries they coordinate orders from).  She is sure a sweetheart!

Oh that's great! I've got 4 coming from a hatchery in July. I can't wait. I should have gotten more. But if these work out I will definitely get more. Is she your only Brahma?
Oh that's great! I've got 4 coming from a hatchery in July. I can't wait. I should have gotten more. But if these work out I will definitely get more. Is she your only Brahma?

She is... but only for the reason that we decided to start our flock choosing a mixed assortment of friendly, docile, winter-hardy, egg laying breeds. So we chose to get one of each breed on our short list and then by popular demand of my 3 little daughters, got 2 more Easter Eggers. I bet you are going to love yours! Are you getting Lights, Darks, or Buffs?
My shipped eggs will be at Day 11 on Sunday. I've only had to remove 2 of the 21 that we started with so far, just no development showing at all. So, hopefully, we'll have a bunch of Dark, Partridge and Blue Partridge Brahma chicks to choose some to keep and some for others to enjoy. They'll go into the grow out coop with the 12 Barred Rock chicks who will be 2 weeks older than they are to grow up together. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

@kekstrom your Blanche is adorable. You'll just love that gal as she grows. My Lt. Brahma was named Miranda, just such a sweet hen.
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