Bad gasping episodes. Non-prescription fungal meds?

I just realized, the vet gave me SMZ pills for him last year but I'm using liquid right now. I wonder if the pills were better, or maybe they prescribed a higher dose?

It's just weird that the antibiotics haven't worked when they did last year. He's showing the same symptoms.

He's back to his normal self this evening. That's another weird thing - other than an episode or two a day and losing weight (despite eating and pooping good), he doesn't seem sick really. He's currently trying to mate my legs. He mates his girl duck and my legs everyday, more times than I can count 😅

Then again, he was mating a lot 2 years ago when he got so sick with the throat infection that he had almost stopped eating completely and I had to tube feed him. Maybe being sick makes him extra horny lol.
So with the Oxine AH, what do you use as a vaporizer? I'm not sure what that means. Can a spray bottle be used to mist him with it?

Is it safe around healthy ducks?

Do you put it in drinking water too, if the duck is sick? What about if healthy ducks are drinking the water too?
Also, does this look like the right thing for the colloidal silver?
As for the Oxine ah I used it as a mist shooting it over their heads so it fell onto their faces.
I just buy the spray bottles at Lowes or online mi9x the Oxine in a gallon container and then pour into the spray bottle. I just bought|tkp:BFBM7Jnxlrhj

sorry this is the only way I know how to share. But I think this sprayer will work better and I can cover all bedding and roosts quicker. And it's a good price.
I have a friend who uses the silver a lot for herself and her birds and she rec 30ppm That is what I bought also.
@New duck mommy 2021 knows about using silver with her ducks and herself. she has taught me alot about it.
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Also, does this look like the right thing for the colloidal silver?
This silver would work fine
I have a few different ones the 10 ppm is most common to find
I have given it orally to my duck with zero issues .5 to 1 ml daily
The spray I have used is 40 ppm
I never gave that one orally but did use it on her skin with no issues
Myself right now I’m fighting a chest infection and I’m taking the silver both orally and through my breathing machine twice a day
I’m getting getter after 3 days
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@New duck mommy 2021 Ok great, I bought the one on Amazon which is arriving tomorrow

And I also bought one locally today that's 30 ppm. So that I can start medicating him today.

Do I give up to 1 ml per day if I'm using 30 ppm silver?

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