baking bread

MissPrissy: Here is the recipe I usually make (dinner rolls/crescent rolls) which are fairly simple and turn out great:
Quick & Easy Sour Cream Crescent Rolls
by LeAnn R. Ralph
(this recipe takes only 2 hours from start to finish)

2 packages of dry yeast (or 4 teaspoons bulk yeast)

1 cup warm water

1 cup buttermilk (or 1 cup milk with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice added)

1/2 cup sour cream

1 stick butter (or margarine) softened

1/3 cup sugar

1 teaspoon salt

6-7 cups flour

Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Add buttermilk, sour cream, butter (or margarine), sugar, salt and 2 cups of flour. Use and electric mixer or a wire wisk and blend for several minutes. Add the remaining flour. Knead for 5 minutes. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes.

To make the crescent rolls: divide the dough in half. Roll each half into a 12-inch circle (mine usually ends up being more of rectangle than a circle, but it works, so who cares?). Spread soft butter onto the circle of dough. Cut the circle in half. Cut each half into quarters. Then cut each quarter into three pieces (as if you are cutting a pie).

Roll up each piece of dough, beginning with the wide end. Place on a greased cookie sheet with the "point" underneath. Let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes before baking.

Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool for 10 minutes and remove from the cookie sheet.

makes 2 dozen crescent rolls. Total time (including time to bake) is about 2 hours.

I can also reccomend a book called "Better Than Store Bought" ... it has some super recipes .
ETA: Here is a link for that recipe book... I have spent many years cooking and trying out recipes and this is of all the over-one-hundred-cookbooks I have the one that I have most often turned to: doesnt have every recipe for everything , but it has many useful ones and they all turn out perfect.
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I just printed your recipe Diana, think I might try that with some soup this afternoon, it's really a soup day here today, cold and drizzly and this looks pretty easy. Thanks
Really good rye bread that is not a brick, I promise:

In a big bowl:

~4 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
2 c. rye flour
1/3 c. brown sugar
1 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. caraway--I grind mine up into powder because I don't like seedy bread
2-3 tsp. grated orange peel
2 packets yeast (about 2 tbsp.)
1/4 c. olive oil
2 c. hot water
2/3 c. orange juice

Mix until a sticky dough forms. Add about 1 - 1 1/2 c. more regular flour until it stops being too sticky to work. Knead, adding more regular flour as needed, until smooth. Put the dough in a greased bowl, let rise. Punch down, form into two loaves of any shape you like, let rise about 30 minutes. Bake in a 400F oven 25-30 minutes. You can slash the tops of the loaves and brush with more olive oil for a softer crust if you like.

Excellent with ham, smoked cheese, creamcheese and watercress...
I'm a bread machine girl, myself. I've made homemade loaves by hand, and they don't taste any better than what I get out of my bread machine. I make three favorites pretty regularly: oat, honey whole wheat, and rosemary bread. I've meant to use the delay cycle but haven't; Redfeathers has a great idea, to set it to make cinnamon raisin in the morning!!

I got my bread machine last summer and we haven't bought a loaf of bread since; I used to buy $4-5 loaves of organic bread at the store, so I'm sure my machine paid for itself long ago!

dhl- I saw your recipe and flinched I always do my bread in the machine cause the few times I have done it by hand it is as hard as a rock well I could not stand it when I saw how easy the recipe sounded I have about 5 minutes left in oven they raised like they were supposed to and it is smelling awesome in my house right now give me about 15 more minutes or so and I will let you know for sure.

OK now a ? can I do all the steps through the first rise and cutting and forming then freeze. My grandmother is having cataract surgery and I am trying to do some meals for after she leaves my aunts house, something easy but homemade and easy for the 13 year old at her house to finish preparing, I will be working with the 13 year old befopre this.


Not bad if I do say so thanks for the recipe, the recipe made 24 LARGE type crossiants
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Amy, what kind of a bread machine do you have? You guys are giving me all kinds of ideas that perhaps I need to be making bread too.
Struggling bread maker here, learning however........

I had a hankerin' for Scandanavian flat bread or "Rieska" like my grandmother used to make every day. Still have not gotten it down.. Maybe the difference is I didn't have the barley flour she used so I ordered 10# which showed up UPS Friday. It takes buttermilk, sweet cream, barley flour and salt, no yeast, lays kind of flat in a big circle and only bakes for 20mins to half hour.. It is either coming out not baked enough or crisp on the outsides, I'll keep working on it.

I have also learned to make bread with fresh ground whole wheat berries, about 1-200 turns on the grinder per cup of flour, but I usually only make one loaf at a time, lasts us about 4-5 days with just the two of us. Fresh wheat berry bread turns fast, no preservatives in it, but the chickens really like it if it gets a bit sour for us.

I'll be trying some of the recipes listed here............. Thanks...

Hi Halo!

I have a Breadman Deluxe; it has something like 12 or 13 different settings. I can make regular (white flour) bread, jam, sweet bread, whole wheat, pizza dough, pasta dough, all sorts of good stuff. Just made a loaf of oat bread last night (our favorite). Last week I used it to make a batch of pizza dough; saves me the kneading and checking on rising, and I get the delicious taste of homemade dough. Yum!

If I remember correctly, I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond for $60, plus I had one of those coupons they're always mailing out. It didn't take long to recoup my cost, with good organic bread being so expensive.


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