Bantam chick genetic parentage and sex

I'm oscillating with Wyatt. I've always thought he was a he, but his comb is smaller than Purdy's, though both are wide and dark pink.

I think Tutu is a girl. And very sad that Pidgin is likely a boy. He just got some red wing feathers coming in, like his dad. Along with a few odd black feathers, so I I guess he is a blue or splash paint with red leakage? Is that a thing?

I took some pics of him yesterday. Will take some more of the others later, but its pouring down here!

I'm oscillating with Wyatt. I've always thought he was a he, but his comb is smaller than Purdy's, though both are wide and dark pink.

I think Tutu is a girl. And very sad that Pidgin is likely a boy. He just got some red wing feathers coming in, like his dad. Along with a few odd black feathers, so I I guess he is a blue or splash paint with red leakage? Is that a thing?

I took some pics of him yesterday. Will take some more of the others later, but its pouring down here!

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Wyatt is looking pretty girly to me😊

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