Bantam Easter Eggers


9 Years
May 20, 2010
I am looking to add a couple EE banties to our flock - we have a mix of hens now, one is a buff bantam cochin named Butter - a sweet pretty little girl. However, my son loves the beatiful blue egg our older hen Goldie lays now and then. So the bantam EE is appealing for size reasons as well as egg color. Any opinions on how well they lay and is they are pretty cold hardy? Any pictures or other thoughts? Thanks much!
I gave our bantam EEs a 100 watt light bulb in the coop during our 14 degree cold snap recently. We usually only get 20 degree weather for a couple of weeks a year. It looks to be a cold year!

They are small bodied, and I would say they need real protection from the elements. If I were in Vermont (which I imagine to have really cold winters) I would make sure they have plenty of other chickens to huddle with. If not, then I would give them a light bulb.

But if the power goes out and you have acclimated them to heat, they might die if not taken into a garage or something.

People on BYC have varying opinions on heat in the coop or not. I prefer to make my chickens comfortable when it is significantly below freezing, because it so rarely happens here.


The gray and white chicken in the center of the picture is a bantam EE. So is the golden chicken in the distance to the left. They are just precious. The rooster is gorgeous and never attacks me. I have 4 total.


in the center again


drinking water
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I have a few bantam ee's and yes I provide heat in the winter for all my small bantams due to the crazy cold temps we get here sometimes. Mine don't lay everyday, maybe 3-4 eggs a week not consistantly. They are neat tho and I love them. Cross em with a bantam cochin to improve on winter hardiness like I did with shadow here who also happens to lay a nice blue egg.
my only bantam ee is just starting to lay at 6 months old, so far 5 eggs in 6 days! even with the temps hovering around freezing (even going to -6 some nights). I dont have heat or lights in their coop, there is 6 of them (3 ameraucanas, 3 mixes) that cuddle together at night and they have been just fine.

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