Barred Rocks!!

Took some new pix of the twins!

Pepper and Paprika. Not sure which is which from far away lol They have the sweetest faces, my girls are so fat. Hope that is ok!




Yes. Look here....

I apologize for jumping in on this thread, but I found it while agonizing over my little barred rock. I posted over on the What Breed is This forum because of my 2 barred rocks, sold as pullets. One of them (they are 4 weeks old) has a bigger comb and the comb is more orange than yellow. She has dark legs, not yellow, and her head spot has always been the most distinct, not scattered. Yet all the responses to her pictures said they think she is a roo. I really don't want her to be a he. After reading the link in your post I feel more certain she's a she, but all those other comments on my question have me very worried. The thread is here:

I recently fell in love- with Barred Rocks

Here are a few pics of a pair that I just got. I don't know a lot about Barred Rocks (only heard how mean the roos can be compared to some other breeds), but I would like to know if they are SQ or not. Even if they aren't, I would like to breed them and have some more running around the yard.

Here's my happy couple...

A close up of my fella...

and a picture of their backs too
Hmmmm..... I hadn't heard that. Guess my little BR roo chick that sleeps in my lap didn't get the memo! My husband is highly annoyed with me for making them all so tame because we have two roos and one must go. He says, "How the H-E double hockey sticks am I going to eat a bird that sits on my hands?????"

I've heard that from a couple folks. I'm glad to hear that it isn't true! My little guy doesn't mind me holding him, but was afraid that he would turn mean. Glad to hear that it's not true then (for the most part-I'm sure there's the exception).

Thanks Punky-Rooster, and yes, they are bantams. I would love to have some more of them. Do you think that he is showable and would do well? Should I try to find a better female to breed him too? I thought she looked pretty good too, but let me know.


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