BE VERY Careful of HOARDER Breeders!!!!

I don't let people come to my place, too many risks. I don't want every tom, dick, and harry seeing what kind of birds I have, and I don't want anyone bringing in disease. If anyone asked to see my breeding areas, I would offer a picture of the birds in their pens, and a picture of the birds in brooders, and that is it. I would politely decline to have them come out,..

There are very select few who I would invite out, and that is limited to a few people I exhibit with and ride to shows with.

I had an issue this weekend when we had a garage sale with a guy insisting he needed to buy a black hen I had out with a group grazing. I said she wasn't for sale, he insisted and said he needed her for soup. He asked me no less than five times before finally leaving. It left me with a creepy feeling.
I'm with you, except I allow them to come to my place, just not anywhere near the birds/brooders/etc. I meet them in the driveway with the birds they are comming for. Here you can't see the birds/coops from the driveway anyways.
I hate it when people show up and ask you to sell a bird that you have no intentions of selling.
lol, even better, "can I HAVE that hen?" .
ummm, I know you drove by and saw some free range chickens but that DOESN'T invite you onto my property to see the contained birds. FREE RANGE does not mean I don't wan't them or any on the property

I don't even sell eating eggs off my property because I don't want people stopping
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I see nothing wrong with someone keeping their flock in the basement, but it should be kept clean. Personally I will not buy from someone who will not let me see the birds. Call me crazy, but if you will not let me see your birds then you make me think you are trying to hide something. Of course everyone who I have bought from have been country enough to let me see the birds. Some even take me on a "tour" of the grounds showing me the different breeds. Maybe it was they were trying to sell more birds to me. So if someone told me to meet them on the corner of street x and y. Walked out of a basement with chicks and refused to allow me to see the conditions the birds were in. I'm not buying the birds and calling AC as soon as I get in the truck.
I am NPIP, and per THEIR guidelines, I am not allowed to give "tours" of the chicken yards for biosecurity reasons. If I allow people to trample through my coop to "see the conditions my birds are kept in" then my NPIP would be considered null and void.

If someone tells me they won't buy from me because I practice biosecurity and don't let them near my coops, that's fine by me.

I've asked several people to leave my property because they just show up and tried to walk around my pens without permission. One lady didn't even knock on my door first, just walked straight out back to my poultry yard. RUDE.
I am NPIP, and per THEIR guidelines, I am not allowed to give "tours" of the chicken yards for biosecurity reasons. If I allow people to trample through my coop to "see the conditions my birds are kept in" then my NPIP would be considered null and void.

If someone tells me they won't buy from me because I practice biosecurity and don't let them near my coops, that's fine by me.

I've asked several people to leave my property because they just show up and tried to walk around my pens without permission. One lady didn't even knock on my door first, just walked straight out back to my poultry yard. RUDE.

I'm not NPIP, yet, and I have to totally agree. The federal government says poultry raisers should not allow folks to be wandering in and around their birds for fear of spreading diseases.

Long and short of this conversation is, the condition of the birds will tell you how they are housed. Dirty, underweight, droopy wings, dull feathers, missing feathers, bugs, etc. All of these things are signs of unhealthy birds yet people CONSTANTLY buy them and then spend tons of time and money trying to "fix" the problem that could have been avoided if the buyer had REALLY LOOKED at the bird.
I am NPIP, and per THEIR guidelines, I am not allowed to give "tours" of the chicken yards for biosecurity reasons. If I allow people to trample through my coop to "see the conditions my birds are kept in" then my NPIP would be considered null and void.

If someone tells me they won't buy from me because I practice biosecurity and don't let them near my coops, that's fine by me.

I've asked several people to leave my property because they just show up and tried to walk around my pens without permission. One lady didn't even knock on my door first, just walked straight out back to my poultry yard. RUDE.

I agree fully. If someone thought it was their right to call AC because I won't show my birds to you??? That is ridiculous, I don't owe you or anyone else ANYTHING. If you want my birds, you follow my rules. If that bothers you, go elsewhere, I don't need the headache. I don't have a store, commercial property or anything of the such. I also have 7 kids and don't want strangers coming to my property. Preservation of me and mine IMO. Do these same people ask the grocery store to see where their eggs come from? Go ahead and ask them to see the laying flock..
People need to learn how to inspect a bird to see it is healthy. If someone is doing bad backyard(or basement) birdkeeping it isn't hard to tell by looking at the stock IMO.
I don't sell $3 chicks so it is in MY best interest to take care of my birds....

I had show dogs...had to post no trespassing signs to keep people off my property because they thought it was ok to "go see the dogs", no, you are trespassing. I pay to have my birds, I pay to have my property, I pay my taxes, until someone pays that for me....stay 2cents
I am NPIP, and per THEIR guidelines, I am not allowed to give "tours" of the chicken yards for biosecurity reasons. If I allow people to trample through my coop to "see the conditions my birds are kept in" then my NPIP would be considered null and void.

If someone tells me they won't buy from me because I practice biosecurity and don't let them near my coops, that's fine by me.

I've asked several people to leave my property because they just show up and tried to walk around my pens without permission. One lady didn't even knock on my door first, just walked straight out back to my poultry yard. RUDE.

I am so glad you stated this. We about to become NPIP here, and I'll be darn if I get the testing only be mulled because of a visitor. I just came back inside from filling waters for the ducklings and chicks. The ducklings have made a right proper mess of things and everything needs cleaned. However it will be tomorrow morning because they are not in the mess since they have wire between them and the mess below. I do all my cleaning in the mornings while it is still cool out. I check waters and food 3-4 times a day every day, dumping and giving fresh through out.
I am NPIP, and per THEIR guidelines, I am not allowed to give "tours" of the chicken yards for biosecurity reasons. If I allow people to trample through my coop to "see the conditions my birds are kept in" then my NPIP would be considered null and void.
If someone tells me they won't buy from me because I practice biosecurity and don't let them near my coops, that's fine by me.

I've asked several people to leave my property because they just show up and tried to walk around my pens without permission. One lady didn't even knock on my door first, just walked straight out back to my poultry yard. RUDE.

Is this true for all states or just certain ones? I was never told that if I had people near my birds the NPIP status would be voided. I don't give "tours" anyways, just wondering.

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