BE VERY Careful of HOARDER Breeders!!!!

This thread is two years old and was reignited by someone not checking the dates, a couple pages back. The OP has not posted since 2009. I suspect it was a personal attack, but without the OP we will never know.

I posted 2 years ago that I would only let someone see my flock from a distance. In the ensuing 2 years, after many negative experiences, I no longer allow anyone on the property. Not due to illness, but due to some really scary people. Now, I meet any buyer in a grocery store parking lot for live birds, eggs are left at the drive or delivered.

Ranchy, those creeps are EVERYWHERE

I didn't even know the thread was old....

ahh, went to see who re-ignited it....was a newbie
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It's not just newbies who resurrect old threads. Can't tell you how many times i've done searches on topics, opened up several different pages, then forgot i wasn't looking at current threads. i did a huge long elaborate response on a thread once, then noticed the thread was about 3 years old. *doi*
Done it more than I few times myself! I now check dates all the time.

This is a good thread, though. Like I said, I used to let people come here. Not any more! If they have chicken experience, they will know how to check my birds out, and will ask the right questions first. I do like to speak to them by telephone first, seems like the people who ask to call me usually know the most.

I had a desperate email on Easter morning - I HAVE to get some chickens today!!!!!

Okay, do you have a pen already set up? Do you have a coop? Will you be meeting me in xxxx parking lot at 2 PM with a carrier?

Well no, I need some chickens NOW.

Sorry, I can't help you out.
Easter morning? Oh, that would be parents wanting to get them for their kids. Other than the fact it sounded like they weren't prepared at all, i don't think buying small animals for kids is a good idea. Anyone who thinks baby animals are toys shouldn't have animals at all.

It's like, i remember when the county fair sold chameleons with little neck chains and a pin so you could pin them on your sweater. And the goldfish bowls you tried to bounce a ping pong ball into, and you won the fish. Or the little turtles you bought with a plastic habitat which included a green plastic palm tree. They always died since none came with care instructions.
OMG, I had one of those goldfish.....last for 7 years on our kitchen counter....since my aunt brought me you should have seen mom's face, yeah, she wasn't happy

eta- never saw the chameleons though, maybe cuz it's too cold up here?
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What's a Breeder Hoarder ?

I'm a Breeder & Poultry Exhibitor

I have Silkies, Polish, RIR Bantams & a trio of Black Ameracauans.

Just wondering if I meet Hoarder Status yet JK.

Seriously What is a Breeder Hoarder ?
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OMG, I had one of those goldfish.....last for 7 years on our kitchen counter....since my aunt brought me you should have seen mom's face, yeah, she wasn't happy

eta- never saw the chameleons though, maybe cuz it's too cold up here?

I got my first chicks from a county fair. You had to throw a ring around a duck or something and you won a baby chick. Won 2, took them home with a little baggie of food and no idea how to care for them. Luckily it was August and we didn't have air conditioning. They stayed in an aquarium in my room until they got too big, then in a big rabbit hutch outside. Then they both turned into roos and my mom's friend in the country who had chickens was nice enough to take them. Hers were free range, but she kept my boys in a pen so the yotes wouldn't get them. Think she was worried I would be traumatized if my boys got eaten.
josh44 - i think a hoarder of any type is someone who has more of something than they can properly care for. Like someone who collects worthless junk or even good junk, but has so much it interferes with their ability to function. For breeders, it would be someone who is unable to care for the birds they have. So i don't think it's a quantity issue, more of a quality issue. That's my two cents anyhow.
If one does call the authorities please call the counyt or legitimate animal control. Do not call a private non-profit animal rights group that is not part of the local government. Not trying to debate anything but they get confused with each other.
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