Beautiful bantams: D’Uccle discussion

Do you let your d’uccles roost?
I heard it’s bad for their feet feathers
I've always let mine roost and their feet feathers were never worse for wear. In fact, here's my late male.
Yay got my Bantams picked up today so my Mille flur's will not be alone any more They will have ten or twelve ( they put in extras just not sure of which breeds.) half and half mille flur and porcelin's. Hoping as we all usually do for a high percentage of pullet to cockerel time will tell. Here they are along with 15 plus silkie and chochins I also got.
Made it home.jpg
Hey all! I recently had to sell my Porcelain D’uccle rooster so I started a thread a week ago but still no responses, all though someone said I should try to sell him here so here goes nothing! Loui is three and still fertile for breeding uses. I live in Missouri so please privately contact me if your interested🙂

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