Beekman Boys show

Hooked on the show as well....Must pay a visit to Sharon Springs on my Motorcycle...

As for Martha Stewart...well lets just say, I know multiple people how have had personal dealings with her, some from just an 'observation' perspective and the stories about her personality are NOT pretty...every person who has dealt with her has said the same exact thing...rude, obnoxious, condascending..
As for me, I can't stand Divas...But I totally love the show...(Beekman Boys that is..LOL)
They had one show where Brent showed a pen of Araucanas, and then later another show where there were some EE's in the barn. I"m sure they have a whole variety, just like Martha
The show where they had their pig killed was SO SAD! I actually teared up, probably in part because I have a spotted dog named Piggy that gives little smooches on the cheek on command just like the their pig. Still don't know how they had the steel to go through with it.
I agree and I can not stand Martha Stewart however I like her chickens and her chicken episodes....the chickens were the divas of their own show, not Martha LOL!

Brent and Martha....what a pair LOL!
Yeah the pig show WAS rough...I'd love to farm, but the butchering, slaughtering, culling (whatever its called) I don't think I could deal with...
Wife was in tears during that episode..She named one of the chickens we got a few days later 'Bess'.
As far as I know the broadcast is renewing The Beekman Boys show for the next ten episodes. It would be very interesting to see how it will fare!
On their website, there are links. One of them is when they were trying to get their chickens to go outside, because they only wanted to stay in the barn. Brent was inside, shooing the chicks out of the door. Josh was supposed to be outside keeping the chicks from running back in--instead, he was outside petting the chicks and talking to them. Too funny!
I love the show, and I think Brent and Josh are both charming! They have this playful banter back and forth....I think their very different personalities compliment eachother. I get the impression they are very nice people, and I love that they're sensitive towards the feelings of their animals.

I would seriously LOVE to go there one day, and see the farm and maybe meet Brent and Josh! I especially loved the episode where their parents came to the show.....

I give the show a 10!
Josh wasn't pissy about having the wedding on the farm, he was pissy about the fact that the first wedding on the farm wasn't his. Yes, its a nice income idea, and yeah, it'd be cool, but it would have been nicer if the first one would have been their's. Also a part of that was that here is this couple getting married on their farm, without any complaints or protests or anything, when the two gays are unable to do the same thing on their own farm. It was sort of a double wammy for him, and I can understand his situation. Especially since, from what I could tell, Brent didn't ask him if this was ok, he sprung it on him. the financial part of me would be all happy about it, but the romantic part of me (granted it is very small and rather well buried) would have been just as upset. I dunno how I would have handled it to be honest.

The funny thing is, my partner and I have the same sort of agreement. Once we get both cars paid off, I will be quitting my job and working the farm full time, and he will be staying on at his job for the extra income, the stability, and because he doesn't like that kind of hard work

Overall, I like the show, it shows that you can make it work in that type of situation and gives my hope receptors a nice boost everytime I watch it.

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