BEST chicken feed recipe, ever.

Around here, we have a store called "Bulk Barn" where you can get all or most of the ingredients in the recipe. If I wanted to. At this time, I am using a prepared feed made of whole and cracked grains which the girls love, but if I ever can't drive 30 min to the feed store, I can go 10 minutes down the road within the city and make them something healthy. It's good to know even in the city I am not stuck with a certain food for them and it might be fun to make them super healthy suet cakes again. I did last winter and it was a big hit.
Take care, everyone, in your chicken adventure.
It is obvious that I was fairly negative about complex recipes when I posted at the top of page #3, last year. I'd seen this thread come up several times over the years and still amazed at that recipe the OP was suggesting was so worthwhile! However, I felt that Organics North provided some good balance to what I'd said.

When "BEST chicken feed recipe, ever" bounced up again last summer, Medicine Man reasoned that, yes these things can be done but there's quite a lot that goes into good nutrition.

Just have to go back to that Original Poster and all that enthusiasm for a 17 ingredient recipe . . ! My hens enjoyed an apple this morning, they had the heels of a loaf of bread yesterday and another apple. I picked up a fresh bag of Flock Raiser yesterday also. There will be a casserole for Sunday dinner and the recipe I'm following for that includes lots of veggies. The parings will go in a bag and the microwave for a minute and the hens can enjoy those . . .

I'm leaning heavy on Purina there's no question

I dont think that there is a such thing as the "BEST chicken feed recipe" if there was then everyone would be using it.
As for the OP's recipe, to me it looks more like a cage house bird recipe than a poultry feed recipe.

I have been playing around with feed mixes for some time and found that one of the better (i wont call it the best) feed mixes contains nothing more than two types of feed.

Chicks 20% protein feed -
39 lbs of 13.5% hog mash/feed,
11 lbs Hubbard Chick - N - Egg

Growing Birds 16% protein feed -
46 lbs of 13.5% hog mash/feed,
4 lbs Hubbard Chick - N - Egg

Laying Feed ,
42.5 lbs of 13.5% hog mash/feed,
7 lbs Hubbard Chick - N - Egg,
.05 lbs Ground lime stone

Excellent quality chicken feed is really hard, if not impossible, to find here in the Ozarks. This summer I gave them scratch, because they could free range and get bugs and greens... but now that winter is here, I would really like to find a good feed.
Not sure if the post about lack of protein was directed to my post, but I'm thinking all those grasshoppers and other bugs were protein!

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