Best Chicken Names..List yours!

Lincoln (bantie rooster)
Cecilia (his women, a silkie)

The big girls:
Habebe (japenese bantie, but runs with the big girls)
My 5 RIR's are "the red girls"
Frizzle - Michelle Pfeiffer
Partridge cochin - Rootbeer
Mille fleur - PotPie
Black cochin banty - Black Pearl
Buff rock ( ? ) - Miss Peaches
Black dutch bantys - Bonnie & rooster Clyde
Silver laced cochin - Lacey
Light brahma - Cleo
Americana - Christmas or Chris ,Reba

the rest are waiting for names or for me to tell them apart

Barred Rocks - Mr & Mrs Speckles (they are both hens, but Mr. acts like a Mr. even though she lays eggs)
Buff Orpingtons - Buffy, Butterball, Butters, Oldie, and Lola
EE's - Gabby, Angel, Lady Hawk 1 & 2, and Pirate (blind in one eye)
Black Austrolorps - Diablo 1, 2, & 3
2 week old blue orp - Smokey (DH is hoping its a roo as he named it)
2 week old black ameraucana - Tonto (DH is hoping its a roo as he came up with this name too)
2 week ameraucana - Panda
The rest of the babies have no name as of yet.
How cool - my one RIR was Ruby - but my sister was NOT impressed.... her daughters name is ruby, so after much discussion we changed her name to Scarlet

I had a Scarlett, half sister to Meg. She's a beautiful very dark RIR girl, now owned by rooster-red. He also owns my two EE/BR cross girls, Hazel and Iris.​
Currently we have Rocky II (Barred Rock) and Sasha (Probably Americana cross)
The hens that are no longer with us were:
Ruby and Rosy (Red Sex links)
Carmen (Partridge Rock)
Whoopi (Black Cochin)
Rocky (Barred Rock)
Wendy (Silver Spangled Hamburg)
Tina (both White crested Black Polish and turned out to be roos so they were renamed Fang and Ike and rehomed when they started to fight and crow all the time)
Lucy (RIR)
Poppy (Both Red Sex Links)
Dove (?)
Julie, I love oil can harry. Great name

Mine are
Hazzard & Henny the buff orp bantams

Old Bethel & Nugget the buff orp hens

and Big Bertha that white JG
I am not good at giving chickens unique names-I was gonna name all the mille fleur hens after rock singers but couldn't really tell them apart except for one that had alot of white-she was call Tina after Tina Turner and then she got this really bossy attitude towards everything and her name was changed to Tina the Tyrant! I am currently calling Jack's three male offspring Jack Jr., Evel Jack and Lucky Jack(cause their mother was called Lucky). Unfortunely Jack the barred rock roo was sold at auction when the hens were setting on his eggs-so I call them Jack's Revenge! Got rid of one roo and were blessed with 3 of his sons. They are not even a year old and they are huge-I swear they seem to big bigger than Jack.
I have 5 chickens, of which 2 really have names, I love some of the names here! But of my 2 rir's I can't tell them apart, I think lucy and red. I can tell the slw apart because one has a small comb on top, so I thought it was a "he" and we call her "Chuck" my son named the glw Susie..

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