Best Chicken Names..List yours!

Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks (Australorps)
Amelia Earhart (Golden Buff Redstar)
Eleanor Roosevelt (RR)
Mother Jones (New Hampshire)
Elvis (the unexpected RR Roo...Named by my Grandson) *grin*
Eva and Zsa Zsa Gabore (Buff laced polish)
I love Zsa Zsa Gabore!!! SO cute..
I have a buff rooster named Cogburn (True Grit..... Rooster Cogburn) my husband and I watch old westerns from time to time. Other than that I call the rest of my girls momma or red. I have a second rooster that I call things I can't repeat on here. He bit me last night I think I will call him Stew for now.
my golden polish roo was Rod Stewart cuz of his crazy feathers, before that our two identical game roosters were Bob and Bob, one bob lived to be 10 yrs old! thought he was a dog, I swear!
I love chickens! And I LOVE naming them!i have 5 hens and 2 ducks ( one male and one female:).

BRs: Bea ( 7 yrs and still laying) and rock (almost a yr old :)
BAs:wisteria ( she is very broody)blacke(I call them together the blacks)
EE:brownie(she is so small and soooooooooooo cute :)
female duck:duckduck
male: peep.

oh and also in June iam getting a dozen chicks :):):):):):)
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April - X btween NH Red and RI Red; Bessy- RI Red, and Floppy -RI RED

We just got 6 more chicks...haven't named them yet. Probably be named after Disney's princesses? or flowers...
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mine are chickens 1~19

I have named four of my 20 chickens.
Here are their names:
Those last two are from the MacGyver show. (One of my favorites)

If I had only a couple of each breed then I would probably name more, but for now those are the only one I can recognize.

We have 13 chickens and here are all of their names and breeds! They are all hens.
ISA Browns: Puffy, Rebel, Freckles, Mr. P, and S'more
Easter Eggers: Henny and Arlo
Buff Orpingtons: Moo Cow and Buttercup
Black Australorps: Hazel and Aussie
Rhode Island Red: Cherry Bomb
Buckeye: Buckeye
Erica, Nicole, Jaqlyn (Rhode islands named after the Dahm triplets)

Venus & Serena (black Australorps)

Poly (Plymouth Rock)

Amy (Americauna)

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