Best Duck Names

This one is my baby girl! I got her hours after she hatched because she always abandons them to breed again right away and they each year the babies get taken by the hawks, owls, or just die because they are not cared for. She had three this one i call Zoe she was the first I took and just the sweeties baby EVER their are two more I don't have photos of yet for I just got them yesterday they are all 3 days old today. This is Zoe her first day. The others names are Zurry and Chase. They are Penkins.

Oh she is soooooo cute and fuzzy!!!!!!!!!!
This is Spades. In the second picture, you can see more clearly how she got her name. The black marking on the top of her head looks like a spade. Spades is kinda a boy name, and if I hear correctly (hard to tell with 13) he is a she. So, I may add to her name and call her Queen of Spades. The spade, however, is much less obvious as she is getting older.

The Pekin on the edge is Blu. We started out calling her Pocket (cause she was so cute I wanted to put her in my pocket and carry her everywhere). But one day as she was lovingly gazing into my eyes (wanting food - of course!), I noticed she had blue eyes. She immediately became Blu.
Oh that's cute! I like that!
These are my two new babies on their way home! The Yellow one is Percival, and the little black one is Primrose Everduck. We still have one more little yellow one to name and my sister named her little one Eiffel.

Adorable! I love all of these names. Two out of my three is extremely hyper and energetic. My boyfriend doesnt want me to name them. I have three total. If there is a boy and girl pair I want to name them Leia, Han and the third one Chewie!
I have 4 Pekins they are in my avatar. Their names are Cheese(girl), Chloe(girl), Goose(boy), Aflac(boy). I'm incubating some of their eggs right now so I can a few females. I also have 15 ducklings. Sadly I don't have individual pics of them. Their names are Han Solo(my favorite and I think its a girl so probably gonna call her hansy), three dot(has 3 dots on its head), Speedy(my mom named it BC of the racing stripe on its back), and Cotton they are my Ancona ducklings. I have one runner named Little as it is my smallest duckling. 3 Cayugas that will be named when I know their sexes. The boy will be Thunder and the 2 girls will be cloud and storm. 2 khaki Campbell's a boy and girl named Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. 2 Welsh Harlequins Splash and Puddle not sure of their sexes. And 3 Rouens only one has a name and its Petri from the land before time movies. Haven't named the other 2 Rouens yet.

my ducklings only a few days old here. Can't seem to get another pic to upload
What kind of duck is Shrek? I have a little female that is colored just like him, but don't have a clue what breed she is. Her name is "Puddles" because of all the black
spots she has. I also have "Quackers, Cuddles and Lizzie".

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