Black Copper Marans discussion thread

I have started a new BCM thread. Come by and visit, post picture, comments. You can read the whole thread! It is called International Black Copper Marans
I am growing out my chicks. Problems I'm having is, in the hatcher I had a board up to keep different groups separate. They managed to get over and they were all combined. I had a Roo with a white wing feather in with my pullets but moved them into the coop with different roo and waited 4 weeks before collecting eggs. The ones that hatched from the all black hens I am able to discern at 9 weeks as they are mostly black. A lot of the cockerels have way too much copper on chest but a few pullets have a white wing feather or 2. Will these eventually disappear or are they pet quality only?
I am growing out my chicks. Problems I'm having is, in the hatcher I had a board up to keep different groups separate. They managed to get over and they were all combined. I had a Roo with a white wing feather in with my pullets but moved them into the coop with different roo and waited 4 weeks before collecting eggs. The ones that hatched from the all black hens I am able to discern at 9 weeks as they are mostly black. A lot of the cockerels have way too much copper on chest but a few pullets have a white wing feather or 2. Will these eventually disappear or are they pet quality only?

if they are young the white feathers might disappear. I had the same problem with my cockerel and he now got black feathers.


My youngster has a milky eye, no fluid, no crusties, no smell. Any suggestions what it is?
May have injured the eye some how. Scratched, poked it, or got something in it. If you can try flushing it out. If it is scratched it will need medication in order to get better, that you will need to get from a vet.
May have injured the eye some how.  Scratched, poked it, or got something in it.  If you can try flushing it out.  If it is scratched it will need medication in order to get better, that you will need to get from a vet.   

Thank you, I flushed out with some saline for contacts, will recheck after work
i apologize if I'm not doing this right- I'm a newbie!! But I have a lovely paor of copper marans I'd like to find a home for....Any suggestions? I am kn upstate New York. Dutchess County to be specific. thanks!! Alexis
you could also search NY state chicken owners page here, that way you get the location you need.

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