Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Here are my 2 BCM at about 7 weeks.



How about a picture, Sometime the real young will grow out. If they are in a place with no Sunshine it will effect the Comb also.

I finally got around to replying, sorry about that lol. I've decided that with the combs being such a big issue with marans I will not be using him in any serious breeding right now. I'll hang onto him for a while, hoping to get a little peddler cockerel soon. Probably just sell pet quality chicks/fertile eggs once my girls are matured.

No I had to lighten the pic because he was hard to is same chick, I didn't lighten the pic. I am not trying to breed,

I am just getting a few colored eggs in my coop.

here are the eggs they came from, good enough for me. thanks.
Here are the parents, and she obtained them from GFF.

and I got the eggs for free, ... yeah me.
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I can't wait to get 10 of these beauties next year!!
Hopefully I get more hens then roos though since the person I'm buying from only sells straight runs..
The chick to the left is the chick from the above pics, born yesterday, and the second chick born today!
I am very happy with both!!!and the white one makes me happy too.

The dark Gray and the light gray are blue isbar mixes, (not related to the marans. they were eggs from my coop)

the 2 black are the pure BCM, (the black ones are "Dolly" because she was a day late and a dollar short, and "Madison" because her genetics made someone "mad" and the white maran. They were hatched in a group.

White maran up front, ( on a diff page BYC a breeder said BCM will have a white chick sometimes, but it is rare! LUCKY!) Also I didn't have a name for her, someone didn't like her genetics, so I named her Jen. Thank you for the name! The blue isbar mix chick in back...
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