Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Y'all interested in knowing how bad the heat is here? I don't think this is going to be good for my birds at all. I am seriously scared I will be losing a few.

If your normal weather is very hot you may want to invest in some misters. Your only other option is hauling ice blocks to the coop every couple hours for them to lay on. Which is an extreme pain and won't cool them down as much as misters. Also freeze water bottles to keep in the watering can they last longer than ice cubes.
Last week we were about 112 degrees. We brought our older chickens in the house in crates. For the younger ones we froze 2 liter bottles of water and placed them around the coop. Ice cubes in the watering dish and we put a shallow kiddie pool to cool their feet. We mist throughout the day and also offer frozen treats.

We have a forecast of 115 all of next week. Luckily this week we are getting bits of rainy/cloudy weather from a neighboring states tornadoes/strorms. That has kept the temp below the 100s for the week, even that temp is making me birds look and feel crappy.
If your normal weather is very hot you may want to invest in some misters. Your only other option is hauling ice blocks to the coop every couple hours for them to lay on. Which is an extreme pain and won't cool them down as much as misters. Also freeze water bottles to keep in the watering can they last longer than ice cubes.

Thats actually what I have been doing. Mississippi isn't usually insane like this, it's just how unstable the planet has gotten. Between polar vortexes and heat waves/drought it is beginning to become a struggle keeping up with it all. I couldn't plant anything this year because the ground is so dry. I just couldn't keep up with this drought.
Thats actually what I have been doing. Mississippi isn't usually insane like this, it's just how unstable the planet has gotten. Between polar vortexes and heat waves/drought it is beginning to become a struggle keeping up with it all. I couldn't plant anything this year because the ground is so dry. I just couldn't keep up with this drought. :/

So you have misters in your coop?
WOW 115!!! Holy cow i was complaining about 97!! Sorry you guys are boiling hot!! I freeze watermelon and other fruits for a "birdsicle" i will also do a small bucked of garden scraps and freeze that too....depends what i have but they seem to enjoy it! I do small ones in a muffin tin for the babies it keeps them entertained while they are still in the chick box.
sometimes i even "hose em' down" (not the babies) lol Mars won't look at me for two days but she and the rest of em feel least for a little bit.
We have a forecast of 115 all of next week. Luckily this week we are getting bits of rainy/cloudy weather from a neighboring states tornadoes/strorms. That has kept the temp below the 100s for the week, even that temp is making me birds look and feel crappy.

Yes that's how it is here. The temps are finally cooling down to the lower hundreds. We don't have tornadoes though. I would be terrified lmao. We are also in a drought. I hate not being able to water regularly. We don't keep misters going all day but I go out and mist the chickens throughout the day. I'll be so happy when the heat leaves. We are in northern California so people always think we have weather like southern California. I wish lol..
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any one complaining about lack of rain I will be happy to send you some of ours. We have had about two and half inches in the last few days. ( Since Monday). My pen are flooded, I have muddy feet and very unhappy chickens. It has been in the upper 80's to low 90's as well so very humid as well. Thank goodness it is suppose to me stopping tomorrow for a few days.

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