Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Thank you! I will definitely check it out!

Marans are very difficult to bred true kind of like a Rubik’s Cube that you can never solve. Don’t get me wrong there are a good number of breeders that have very well bred Marans but it has taken them many years to achieve such success. The reason they are difficult to bred is because over 100 years ago they were created by mixing several different breeds (Langshams, Cochins, Old English Game) with various types and features that don’t necessarily play well together. If you want to learn more go to the International Black Copper Marans thread on BYC - there is a lot of good information.
Hello, I have a question, are black copper marans good/commonly broody?

Marans Hens are not on the same broodiness level as Orpingtons, Brahmas or Cochins. I have a couple of Marans Hens that go broody 2-3 times per season (too often for me) but they are not particular good mothers. My hens seem clumsey around chicks and often step on them accidentally. However, my exoerience doesn’t mean that a BCM Hen can’t be a good mother or broody.
If you have 6-8 Black Copper Marans Hens and you want all of them to hatch their own clutch of eggs every year you will be disappointed. They are not all going to go broody every year. Like most dual-purpose birds that are bred on small scale backyard hobby farms, you will get some that will go broody. In a flock of 6-8 hens, you should get one or more to go broody every year. We hatched chicks under a Black Copper Marans one year. She did great on the nest and was a good mother.
Marans Hens are not on the same broodiness level as Orpingtons, Brahmas or Cochins. I have a couple of Marans Hens that go broody 2-3 times per season (too often for me) but they are not particular good mothers. My hens seem clumsey around chicks and often step on them accidentally. However, my exoerience doesn’t mean that a BCM Hen can’t be a good mother or broody.
If you have 6-8 Black Copper Marans Hens and you want all of them to hatch their own clutch of eggs every year you will be disappointed. They are not all going to go broody every year. Like most dual-purpose birds that are bred on small scale backyard hobby farms, you will get some that will go broody. In a flock of 6-8 hens, you should get one or more to go broody every year. We hatched chicks under a Black Copper Marans one year. She did great on the nest and was a good mother.
Thanks, I have a broody pullet that I believe is a black copper maran but she seems to be very seriously broody. I also have 2 other black copper maran pullets that seem to be partly broody.

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