Black Copper Marans discussion thread

I strongly feel that when you combine my feather patterns and egg color and type as well as what my birds produce because of my selective breeding and line breeding. I have just as nice of BC Marans as anyone in the U.S. :) please don't ask for pictures it takes me too long to post them on here. I have posted pictures of last years birds and eggs this years is even better, I haven't taken good pictures for the season yet due to muddy environment because of all the rain we've been getting lately. I know what I see they are fantastic. If you want to find me to get chicks look in North,MS craigslist. I know this message was a Hail mary statement I apologize I stay very busy can't get on here much! Love ya'll
Got my quad today :love so now I have 5 hens laying, two Roos and a bunch of chicks. Not a lot but a good start!!


Is there any way to sex day old black copper marans? does wing sexing work on them? or do the male chicks have more white? thank you!

Wing sexing works if the birds have been bred for it. It takes a couple years to get this trait to breed true.
I breed for it and I can accurately sex my birds at about 3 days old. However, when I purchase hatching eggs or chicks from an outside source, its a different story.
They cannot be sexed by amounts of color.
First I'll test the breeders I have. But seeing that I have only a trio (rooster and 2 hens) my options are limited. I dont want to close my gene pool smaller than it already is. So..Well, maybe if I breed and keep the chicks with more feathers in the legs I'll could eventually get rid of this recessive gene. ... Is easy to get rid of this problem?
And as soon as I find more BCM with the correct attributes I'll add or replace my flock.

I don't believe that you can rid the birds of the genes totally as long as one of the birds carries it, it will pass on and still be there. Someone who knows more about this will hopefully come by and give more advise and correct me if I am wrong.

I deal with this in my birds because I crossed a clean legged rooster into my birds. I used him because he was too good not to use in all other aspects. Even though I now have birds that are all feather shanked I still get the occasional clean legged chick. I cull those and do not use them. However, I still use the carriers because they are nice birds and I am trying to keep type along with the other attributes these birds contribute.
Ok. So I've added some pics of my flock...they are finally getting a bit older. Most in the pics are 12 wks with a few at 16 wks.
I think they all look relatively good..great feathering in the shanks; good copper hackles with the black centers..but I question their eyes.
I know it is very sunny in the pics and it wasn't until taking the up close pics that I realized that a few of the girls have this black splatter type markings in the eyes. You can see what I'm referring to in this first girl. Let me know what you think?! This is my very first flock of Marans..and I do have 1 hatchery girl who is over melanized more of a blue color with NO copper; then I have a golden cuckoo girl who...hmmm...doesn't look like the golden cuckoo pics I've seen! ;0) I started with hatchery birds a couple of years ago and for the first time got more involved and bought from a breeder. Most of the BCMs in these pics are of birds sold to me to be from the Cottage Hill Lineage.


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