Black Copper Marans discussion thread

Sorry she didn't make it

Hello, I am sharing my little BCM (at least I think that is what they are!) , 2-3 day old chicks that I hatched out of some eggs I bought at a farmer's market, just to see if they would hatch. Aren't they beautiful. But, I guess I would like to know if they are BCMs or some cross. If they look good I might try to separate them from my ameraucaunas. If they are a cross I'll eventually just get them in with the rest of the flock. They are a week old today and are feathering a little bit. Their little wings have white tip feathers. Thanks for looking. (They are so sweet!)
Ok I wasn't sure if darker was good. That picture is about a week or so old "she" has feathered out more.
crossing my fingers that she is a pullet

Has anyone noticed any correlation with how much white is on a day old to how they colour up as adults. I've got some that are real penguin looking and some that have more white and coming into the face as well.

Here is a good link to a portion of a thread here on BYC that explains what good hatch down coloring is -

The photos show what a penguiny chick vs a darker chick. The more white on their hatch down the more likely that they won't grow up to be as conforming to standard as a darker chick.

Hello, I am sharing my little BCM (at least I think that is what they are!) , 2-3 day old chicks that I hatched out of some eggs I bought at a farmer's market, just to see if they would hatch. Aren't they beautiful. But, I guess I would like to know if they are BCMs or some cross. If they look good I might try to separate them from my ameraucaunas. If they are a cross I'll eventually just get them in with the rest of the flock. They are a week old today and are feathering a little bit. Their little wings have white tip feathers. Thanks for looking. (They are so sweet!)

They are very light, but they do have feathered shanks. They seem to be BCMs, just perhaps they are layer quality BCMs. You'll just have to wait to find out.

Chick on the very right is a pullet in my opinion. The two on the left are leaning towards being cockerels, can't be 100% sure though.
Wow, Braxton Brigade you are awesome if you can see possible sexing traits this early! They all look alike to me. Each one hatched with slight ridging of their comb and I was/am fearful that I have all cockerels. I have seven of the little guys(gals) and they are just precious. I'm just hoping to get egg layers, not looking for show birds so I'm happy with them. They are also so tame compared to the ameraucana chicks I have raised. These don't run in deathly fear each time I reach into the brooder, they actually run to me. So cute. Yes, I'm attached!:love
Wow, Braxton Brigade you are awesome if you can see possible sexing traits this early! They all look alike to me. Each one hatched with slight ridging of their comb and I was/am fearful that I have all cockerels. I have seven of the little guys(gals) and they are just precious. I'm just hoping to get egg layers, not looking for show birds so I'm happy with them. They are also so tame compared to the ameraucana chicks I have raised. These don't run in deathly fear each time I reach into the brooder, they actually run to me. So cute. Yes, I'm attached!:love

I know what you mean about AMERS. I hatched a batch of those last year, I feared that they would trampled one another every time I was adding feed/water to their brooder. They seem much more docile now that they are adults but they still keep distance from me.
I have some BCM in the incubator. Is it possible to candle them? They were almost 10 days old before they went in so I am not expecting a full hatch. They have 12 days left now.

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