Black Copper Marans - Time progression of sexing - UPDATED with WEEKs #1-3 PICTURES

Gapey - Have they started laying yet? Curious to see egg color!! I have two that are supposed to be BCMs that have the copper coloring on their backs like Molly did. Here are the three of mine - 3.5 weeks old:


#2 (not sure what the white feathering is about?)

#3 (no feathers on this one's feet)

Yup they both started laying on the exact same day at 25 weeks. Both of their eggs are the same darkness probably a 4 or 5 on the marans scale. Here's some pics of the eggs. The smaller dark ones are theirs and the others are from my older hens of different breeds as a comparison.

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Hi @gapey any chance Molly is a Marans/Welsummer cross? I just bought 5 chicks that will be 5 weeks old this weekend and 2 of them are crosses. The lady has mostly Marans but has one Welsummer and set her eggs too thinking they were Marans. I went for the Black Copper/Blue Copper Marans chicks but was so impressed with the sweetness of the crosses that I took two of them home. I bought 4 pullets (we thought) and 1 splash cockerel. 2 of the pullets are the crosses (no feathered legs) and 2 she thought were BCM pullets. The BCM have the mossiness described above and now after reading this thread I'm concerned. The lady I got them from said it was a desirable trait and that they should lay a dark egg and the coppery tones on their backs would grow out to be black. Time will tell I guess. I am also suspecting that one of the BCM pullets may be a cockerel as he/she has all of a sudden developed little wattles and a slightly bigger comb. I guess this is why they like to sell Marans straight run! I'm hoping my splash cockerel turns out to be a nice roo without any major flaws as I'd like to hatch out some Blue Copper Marans next year.
Hi @gapey any chance Molly is a Marans/Welsummer cross? I just bought 5 chicks that will be 5 weeks old this weekend and 2 of them are crosses. The lady has mostly Marans but has one Welsummer and set her eggs too thinking they were Marans. I went for the Black Copper/Blue Copper Marans chicks but was so impressed with the sweetness of the crosses that I took two of them home. I bought 4 pullets (we thought) and 1 splash cockerel. 2 of the pullets are the crosses (no feathered legs) and 2 she thought were BCM pullets. The BCM have the mossiness described above and now after reading this thread I'm concerned. The lady I got them from said it was a desirable trait and that they should lay a dark egg and the coppery tones on their backs would grow out to be black. Time will tell I guess. I am also suspecting that one of the BCM pullets may be a cockerel as he/she has all of a sudden developed little wattles and a slightly bigger comb. I guess this is why they like to sell Marans straight run! I'm hoping my splash cockerel turns out to be a nice roo without any major flaws as I'd like to hatch out some Blue Copper Marans next year.
Hey guys new too the site. I was wondering if yall would take a guess at what sex these week old chicks are? Roo or pullet? They're a cross between a LP Roo/cuckoo maran hen.

My guess,pullet.

I'm 60/40 Roo.



I'm thinking 55/45 pullet.




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