Black Orpington -vote- Gender at 7 weeks? *alot of photos*

Renee ~ that is very interesting about the comb angle.

Thank you all for posting.

If anyone in CT is interested in a beautiful hand-raised very tame & affectionate Black Orpington Roo feel free to send me a message.
the one black chick you didn't buy that we gave to our broody to raise turned out to be a pullet she will be leaving soon her mom chased her off an started laying so now she is getting sold.i got 22 black orp chicks from a local breeder who got sick an could not take care of them.right now they are 5 weeks old an 15 of the 18 we have left are roos so i fell you pain i prob have 30-35 orpington roos from 3 weeks to 10 weeks old.
Hey, did the chick end up being a hen or a roo? I have a 7 week blue orp that looks really similar -- it's so hard to tell!

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