Blue Andalusian thread!



Hi I'm very new with chickens and I bought both of the ones in the pictures off Craigslist a few months ago and the guy said that the gray one was either called a blue or lavender and I was wondering if it might could be an Andalusian

Thanks for any help
Hello! So, I just got a splash Andalusian chick the other day, and I am so in love with her. I got really sad when I found out I can't show splash. Is there incentive to make splash a recognized color?
For what it's worth I just slaughtered our five Andalusians. We ended up with two splash, two light blueish/grey and one really, exceptionally gorgeous dark blue.

I moved these hens along after only a year and will not order them again. They are extremely flighty (over the fence almost daily), they are not exceptional layers, comparatively, and the eggs they do lay are the least yummy eggs I've harvested from chickens (barely, if at all, better than your typical high end grocery egg). They also took living IN the nesting boxes, (despite ample roosting space) something I've seen no other breed do. This would have just been quaint, I suppose, if they also didn't also quickly crap all of them up requiring constant cleaning or all of our eggs would be covered in poop every day.

Hopefully the hens themselves will be tastier than their eggs.
I have four pullets around 3 months old. The are very sleek and the are getting to where the chase and peck my other birds. Not bad yet though, thank goodness. I chose to keep because I'm developing a rainbow flock and I wanted pretty birds that lay white eggs to contrast the colors of my other eggs. I'm hoping the settle down soon.
I got this lil girl yesterday and was told she was a blue splash Andalusian(hope I spelled it right) now some ppl telling me she isn't . I got from my local feed store who gets from ideal hatchery . Please please someone help me tell me what she is it not what I was told . I gotta know what my chickens are .

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