Blue Andalusian thread!

Trouble looks like our Larry( ba hen) who is also an escape artist. Larry is our favorite. I hate to pick a favorite, but everyone just loves Larry!

Trouble can no longer escape!!! We completed the hen house and we built a new coop which is totally enclosed. There are a lot of hawks in the area so we felt it necessary to cover the coop. They now have lots if room and there is no need to clip their wings. The coop is 40 x 40
My 3 andalusians: Salvia, Lupine and Zinnia. They were the bullies when I first adopted them. Now they seem to have relaxed, but they are at the top of the pecking order. Their combs do shrink considerably during the winter months.

OMG, they're so pretty!! I'm a first time chicken mom and I have 1 Blue Andy hen. She's the top dog in my little flock. Not going to lie, I didn't know they came in other colors....I think I need to expand my flock now. LOL.

Out of my 5 other breeds, my Blue Andy, Eleanor, is my favorite. She hasn't laid yet but she's been squatting for about a month so I'm hoping to get an egg soon. :)

Mine is just a baby :)

I got a question. I have a Blue Andalusian hen. She is beautiful, but kinda mean. I handle my girls a lot so she should be used to me being around them. She acts like a roo. Anyways my question it possible for a chicken to not start laying until 44weeks of age? I had always assumed that she was laying. I had seen her from time to time getting on and off the nesting box. I was out collecting my eggs this afternoon and noticed an almost white egg in one of the boxes. That is what she is supposed to lay, but I just thought they got it wrong and she was laying a light brown egg.I have 4red stars, 2 black stars, 2 Americaunas, and her (blue Andalusian). The red and black stars lay brown eggs and my Americaunas lay blue.This is the first time I've ever seen a white egg in the box. Is it possible for the egg color to change that much?

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