Blue/Brown Eggs, Easter/Christmas Eggs - Getting my craft on!!

I currently do the screwer method. I think im going to definetely get some triple thick but also try the spray.

Here is the ones i've been doing last couple days.

Last year I got some great blue duck eggs from bhep but she doesnt have them anymore. I also don't have quail anymore so this was the last quail egg that I had left over from last year that I had blown out. My local meat market sells beautiful brown farm eggs so thats what I have been working with.
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Another thing, I was wondering about an alternative to using hot glue. Something that hardens a little bit slower than hot glue but does'nt take more than a couple minutes. Any ideas?
Another thing, I was wondering about an alternative to using hot glue. Something that hardens a little bit slower than hot glue but does'nt take more than a couple minutes. Any ideas?
Super glue - but I find hot glue works better and it has some "give" to it which works well with the breakability of the egg.
I'm sitting here with 2 dozen goose eggs and 1.5 dozen green & brown chicken eggs and not nearly enough time before our Farmer's Market Holiday Market on Saturday where I hope to sell them. At the stores over the last few weeks, I found a total of 5, yes 5 transfer choices. :( next to NO stickers that would work, but did find some gems that are new since I last decorated eggs a couple years ago with all of you.

I'm free handing a couple with pencil, then tracing with marker. Best I can do. Wish me luck and OF COURSE I will post the photos. :)
Good luck! I made 20 this past week with just some cross stickers to include in some gift boxes for a fund-raiser at our church. I would love to see your photos when you finish yours-maybe it would help me to get enthused to make some more. I have a lot of eggs-I've been blowing them out all year.

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