Blue Buffalo dog food vs. 4 health dog food

I don't know if they give out samples. I guess I will have to ask next time I go in.
I do have a pet shop about 15 miles from my house, but everything there is really expensive.
I was reading about 4health and someone said in a review there was beet pulp in it and that was bad for dogs. It is maybe 6th down on the ingredient list, do you think that is a reason not to feed it? Other than that it seems like it's really good quality! I also noticed the lamb and rice formula for $5 more. Is lamb and rice or chicken and rice better? Thanks!
It's good to rotate your protein so either chicken or lamb is fine. Beet pulp is used to bulk up their stool, so it's not really a bad thing. It's better if they use whole beets, but you'll only find that in top tier foods. If it was the third ingredient that would be bad, but sixth is fine.
Despite the fact that it contains that evil ingredient CORN (gasp), we feed a ton of Purina Dog Chow. Our policy is this: If the dog does well on Purina Dog Chow, the dog gets Purina Dog Chow.

Of our 7 dogs, 6 do perfectly well on Purina Dog Chow...and so they get Purina Dog Chow.

My vet asked what we were feeding once and I had to 'fess up' that we were feeding PDC, and he was just like "Oh, OK." Feeling guilty after having read all the same stuff everyone else has about how HORRIBLE Purina is for dogs, I stammered on...."I mean, I know that's not a very good dog food and that it contains a lot of corn and all that, but I dunno...we've got a lot of dogs and they seem to do OK on it."

The vet said "Purina's OK.. I mean, it's not like you're feeding OL ROY or something like're feeding Purina."

Needless to say, I felt better almost immediately.

We went on to have a little conversation about it during which he said there's not a thing wrong with feeding a dog PDC if the dog keeps in good condition on PDC.. Now, if their ears bother them or their coat's rough or if they get fat or whatever...sure, look for something more agreeable...but if you can keep everybody slick and in good health on PDC, go for it.

What's funny to me is how you'll see dog people on here complaining about how horrible Purina feed is, despite the fact that lots of chicken people and goat people will proudly tell you they feed Layena or Noble Goat to their animals.. And sometimes the chicken, goat, and dog people are the same people!

Personally...I hate Purina's Goat Chow, and I've never tried Layena. But, ya, generally speaking their Dog Chow works great for me.

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