Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I know, I think I have one Silver Penciled Rooster, One Splash Rooster, and one Very Dark Blue Rooster. I will post some updated pictures tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks so much, They are beautiful!
No, that's how some of our BLR start-it's got blue feathering on my computer. Our new rooster is very dark. The partridge are much more red in color and the black is very black.
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Really nice !
I find these incredibly hard to sex. Are you sure #2 is a boy. He probably is but does look less developed than the other boys.

aw thank you! they are from luvin ;)

I am soo happy with them, they are the sweetest birds ever... always in my lap or on my shoulder... no idea how I am going to eliminate the extra cockerels. right now I like #3 the best, followed by #2 (colorwise). I cannot tell much about body type yet.

I think #3 has good type (body size and width) but need to wait longer.. he also looks more mature, earlier (comb/wattle size) but I am not sure if that is valuable... none are crowing yet! they are 3 months old.

here is another picture of #2, I am pretty positive he is a boy. when I separate his feathers I can see the shiny hackle and saddle feathers very distinctly.
here is another picture of him, you can kinda see the shiny on his back:
Hey everyone! Here's a couple of my girls, I'll try to get some pictures of my boys tomorrow. Just sharing, I've been off of here for awhile. :)


nice combs and legs..
I like them..the top girl looks nice..I wish for more pictures..

Thanks delisha :)
Last summer I sold off all my BLRs in an attempt to start fresh and get better stock. Out of dozens and dozens of eggs and chicks, these two girls are the best I've got. It's a start at least. They are 7 months old and just started laying, I want to get them in a pen with my roo soon and start some test hatches.

This is Ruby~



This is Sapphire~


Thy are really nice starts..
Love those combs and legs..
They have very feminine lacing
Love the top line on the first girl..she looks to have nice wide tail feathers too..(Ruby)
I think the color is better on the second girl..but structure comes first.
Looking forward to the boys pictures

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