Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

No opinions on what happened with my roo?

I would hazard a guess one of the parents you met isn't really a parent. I had a "BLRW" chick I bought from a local breeder that started out looking correct but as it developed the "lacing" was similar to yours, ie not really lacing and it slowly faded completely off the feathers he developed. As an adult he looks just like a New Hampshire. Not sure what happened, I'm assuming another Rooster jumped the fence and got in with the hens. But it's also possible eggs got mixed up in the incubator or ??? I've gotten some nice birds from this breeder, but also seen some quality control issues in terms of purity so ... They did replace the birds that looked mixed, so one point in their favor.

Have you talked to the person you got the chicks/eggs from?
Not yet, he looked fine for a while but like you said it kind of disappeared as he got older. The other chickens she had were Polish, SLW, and Delawares. This guy doesn't look like he came from any of those. Maybe a Delaware? But I would think he'd have white in him in that case.
What am I to do with this guy? He has lovely type, but that comb !

I think that comb is super cool! I know it wouldn't fit the SOP but if I had him I think I would try to breed specifically for more combs that outrageous and sell them locally with some kind of fancy pants name. Just making sure I let the purchaser know it's not showable or anything.

ETA: Maybe call it the tendril comb.
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Remember those chicks that were supposed to be BLRW? Well the two that you all said looked like SLW still look that way (one is in the back) but is the one in front a splash? Looks like a pullet to me, too - not what I was expecting but I do believe I will be happy with her :)

looks blue to me.this is my blue and splash...

Remember those chicks that were supposed to be BLRW? Well the two that you all said looked like SLW still look that way (one is in the back) but is the one in front a splash? Looks like a pullet to me, too - not what I was expecting but I do believe I will be happy with her :)

looks blue to me.. .here is my blue and my splash for comparison...

LOVING all the blrw photos so I thought I would contribute too! these are my chicks who are 12 weeks old now :)

blue pullet, 2 blue males, black pullet

blue pullet

splash pullet & salmon faverolles friend (15wk)

blue cockerel & 2 splash pullets

black blrw cockerel

the boys

I had hoped this one was a pullet from how it feathered in.
shiny saddle feathers are starting to grow in now, so it's the 4th blue male I will have to choose from :)

2 cockerels

here are my bigger BLRW, they are almost 7 months old!
He is going to be replaced with one of the cockerels above.

his faults are much the same as when I posted him about 2 months ago: wing points down, throws off his back as well; tail angle, and chest/butt roundness lacking. his stance seems to have widened though

The pullet is not a breeder either, but I think she is nice to look at!

Can anyone help point out faults with type in this pullet? I am trying to train my eye on what to 'see' and I always learn so much from this thread :)
-her tail is always too low, but I think her wing angle is good.
-I feel like her body shape looks good, especially compared to the other breeds I have (marans, welsummers), she is quite round and appears 'low to the ground' with all her body fluff.
-her legs may be too close together(?) but since she isn't full grown I was giving her a pass on that one.
-her neck feathers have copperish color in them, and they are sort of reverse-laced, with copper on the outside and blue on the inside
-her comb leader is inverted and the reason she is in the egglaying flock for life (DQ)
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