Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

What am I to do with this guy? He has lovely type, but that comb !

He does have lovely type, where I am in the UK I really struggle to achieve this kind of size in my wyandottes. However I think his lacing and his comb lets him down a bit, and I'm not sure I would breed from him if you were looking to show his offspring or maintain a good BLW group. But that's just my opinion:)

That's one of the boys I have running with my BLW group, but as you can see he has a little bit of a bobbily comb too and his type isn't as good as your bird ( but I hope he may plump out a bit as hes still quite young). But I have kept him given that his lacing is nice:)
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He does have lovely type, where I am in the UK I really struggle to achieve this kind of size in my wyandottes. However I think his lacing and his comb lets him down a bit, and I'm not sure I would breed from him if you were looking to show his offspring or maintain a good BLW group. But that's just my opinion:) That's one of the boys I have running with my BLW group, but as you can see he has a little bit of a bobbily comb too and his type isn't as good as your bird ( but I hope he may plump out a bit as hes still quite young). But I have kept him given that his lacing is nice:)
Yes , it's the comb that bothers me most. I have blrw Roos but he is my only black.
Remember those chicks that were supposed to be BLRW? Well the two that you all said looked like SLW still look that way (one is in the back) but is the one in front a splash? Looks like a pullet to me, too - not what I was expecting but I do believe I will be happy with her :)

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Remember those chicks that were supposed to be BLRW? Well the two that you all said looked like SLW still look that way (one is in the back) but is the one in front a splash? Looks like a pullet to me, too - not what I was expecting but I do believe I will be happy with her :)
looks like a splash and does look like a pullet from this angle
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My babies are 2 weeks old now. They are flying all over the place! I had to move them to a makeshift brooder so they have more room. I'm so glad I got these birds. I have to talk and cuddle with them every night or they get extra loud lol. Such sweeties! :)



Remember those chicks that were supposed to be BLRW? Well the two that you all said looked like SLW still look that way (one is in the back) but is the one in front a splash? Looks like a pullet to me, too - not what I was expecting but I do believe I will be happy with her :)

The SLW in the back is a Cockerel and I am thinking so is the Splash..... got a pic of the face?

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