Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Well the rest of the BLRW I hatch are MINE all MINE LOL. I think I have maybe 8 running around various ages. I swapped out roos in one pen and now have the $100 roo in there lets see if he is doing his job this time after being alone for a few months. Not getting as many eggs right now but the other pen is starting to lay for a change so maybe it will even out.
I hatched out a couple of BLRW eggs with my broody a few weeks ago. I have never had the breed, and did not see the parents. I was trying to get local eggs, and just took what the lady had (along with a couple OEs and three EEs). So far I can tell that I have one with a straight comb, and maybe the other is rose? Also, they both are very dark, one looks for sure to be black not blue.

I'm not looking to breed, just looking for pretty birds and hopefully some pullets to lay. But looking at chick pics, I'm not even sure these are even BLRWs? Any opinions?

They are 2.5 weeks in these pics, pretty young still. They are a week older now, and much more feathered, so I could get a few more pics if it would help.
Here are a few pics from today.

So are they just poor type? They both look more black than blue to me. Or maybe they are mutts? Just curious for any opinions! Thanks
Here are a few pics from today.

So are they just poor type? They both look more black than blue to me. Or maybe they are mutts? Just curious for any opinions! Thanks

at this age you can't tell type... that has to wait until they're considerably older. final assessment would be probably around 6 months or so whether they're worth growing out even further IMO. but yes, they look like blrw, the single comb is a big fault, if you intended to breed.
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Okay, thanks! I wasn't planning on breeding, we just keep backyard hens for fun. I do hope they feather out nicely though, I love the BLRW's look. And hopefully at least one of them is a pullet! I really can't tell sex at all with this breed, they look so much alike we call them the twins.

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