Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Pullet or Roos? They are 7 wks old. I need a pullet...just one blue pullet...please...
I hatched out 7 BLRW chicks and I fear that they are all cockerels except for one black BLRW and she's cross beaked

Here are pics of 2 different chicks that have the most potential to be pullets...the rest of them have bright red combs & wattles. One has a single comb, but if it's a girl I will keep her b/c I won't be breeding them. Whada you think? THANKS!!!

and the splash with a single comb...

What line are those from?
I don't breed them...I am new to chickens this spring :) I bought hatching eggs from shanshan51 (on byc). There are some breeders in KY, but if you can wait DMRippy on here will be breeding here in/near Nashville, but her chicks are itty bitty.

So from my line you only got splashes? That is so strange as I get tons of blues and a few blacks. Also a straight comb from my line? Please let me know because if this is the case I would like to send you some more eggs this is not my normal quality.
Leah, I think the first one is a cockerel and the second one is a pullet. I noticed that with my wyandottes, the cockerels have more solid coloring on the wings, and kind of a "cape" sort of thing on their neck.

As far as crowing goes, I hatched out a batch of BLRW on 2/6, so they're 22-23 weeks old. I gave a cockerel to my next door neighbor and he isn't crowing yet. My pullet that I kept isn't laying yet either, though her comb has suddenly gotten very red in the last few days, so I'm getting excited.
Just for fun pictures. This rooster took over these 5 week old chicks when mom got tired of them
The rooster is from Catt x Paul lines and 4 of the chicks are his offspring and the other two are from eggs I hatched for a new rooster/new bloodlines.

Leah, I think the first one is a cockerel and the second one is a pullet. I noticed that with my wyandottes, the cockerels have more solid coloring on the wings, and kind of a "cape" sort of thing on their neck.

As far as crowing goes, I hatched out a batch of BLRW on 2/6, so they're 22-23 weeks old. I gave a cockerel to my next door neighbor and he isn't crowing yet. My pullet that I kept isn't laying yet either, though her comb has suddenly gotten very red in the last few days, so I'm getting excited.

Lenny crowed this morning! LOL, all this talk about crowing, he must have overheard. He is 21 or 22 weeks and today was the first time. He did it 3 or 4 times in a row. It didn't even sound messed up.

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