Blue Orpington

Oh boy! What I previously have said will be confusing in some ways. Blue orpingtons are anything but blue is what I commented on. 3 basic colors of silver, black, and splash is what hatcheries offer and wont guarantee colors at time of purchase. I love the splash but have nly hatched out one which dies just recently. Drat! I planned to breed her this spring.
Spread your birds wing feathers out and look at the pin bones. You will notice they are indigo-blue black looking. Hence the name Blue Orpington! I cant for the life of me find out what breed was crossed with the orpingtons to arrive at this fantastic bird. If you notice, they are bigger than the standard buff color. Hate to say it but they make great table birds as well as egg layers.

I am sorry but I neglected to say that I am sorry your Splash hen died.
Was it illness or accident?
Pecking order to start. She lost an eye on the roost at night. Infection set in and went throughout her body. It was beyond my care and sad comforting her as she suffered. The splash color is not impossible but a rarity of sorts. Wish I had more!
I'm looking for good quality blue orpingtons, American. All I can find everywhere are English for sale. Do you know of anyone that sells any American orps, or sells hatching eggs? I'm really having a tough time trying to find anyone. I'm new, but committed to raising good stock that I could show- here in mn.

Rachael Cochrane
[email protected]

I hatched my first blue orpingtons! I have 3. Also 2 copper Marans I was told. But I think they could be a mix.
I think when the first few hatched they crawled on the thermometer, and it made the heat go up too much for the other slower hatchers...

We are loving the chicks :)
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I had an interesting chick hatch yesterday from my Orpington pen, I have BBS and chocolate hens in with blue, black, and lavender cockerels. Blue chick with a red spot on its head... Any idea what's going on here? Leakage? Some odd recessive gene popping up? I've never seen this in my flock.


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