Blue rocks

Yes I see that, both are goreous birds! However I have been wrong before!
Do you really really really think he's a she? I never thought Id say Id be disappointed, but I sure would be. Here's a picture of his brother (blue) and sister (splash). I hate to think out of that hatch of 7 that they are all pullets.....omg, what am I saying!!!

Guess who crowed this morning!! Yippee!! What a relief. I was out there, and my only crower so far is a aracauna roo from Jody. He crowed and I scanned the crowed to see if it was Mr. Beautiful. It wasnt, but he was very interested, craned his neck up high....held it there for a minute....then let loose with a er er er er EEEERRRRR. Made my day, Ill tell ya.
Took some pictures this evening of my Mr. Beautiful, and his girls. They are just the most beautiful birds. I have them out with some young orps, and a blue orp boy who's got to be 6 weeks younger that Mr. Beautiful, is nearly as big! Those orps are going to be big!

This is Mr. Beautiful...


And these are his splash and blue sisters.


A few more pictures; they are now about 4 1/2 months old. I have Mr. B (will he ever grow a tail??), the blue pullet, and 2 splash. I have some more baby rocks in the brooders about a month old. It looks like I have a couple of blacks; I hope they are girls. Would love to breed a black to Mr. B. Theres a few splash in there, and a very dark blue. I love the variation in color.




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