Blue rocks

They are gorgeous. I know what breed I want next now. I can't wait for spring.
Heres my first 2 blue chicks. The other 3 in this batch are black. The moms were barred rocks. I just hatched 4 more today, 3 are black, one is blue. I have some more in the bator right now. Im sending some out this week and next, but then Ill put some more in the bator. They are just the cutest things. I can't wait to see when they feather out and see if the barreds are boys. Will be interesting to see if any of the blues bar out, too.


Ive hatched 3 or 4 batches now of these guys, and oddly enough they are mostly all hatching at 19 days with a few stragglers at 20. I thought maybe my bator might be too high, but BluRoo also hatched some and hers hatched at 19 days too. Clean hatches, healthy chicks, no wonky toes or anything like that. Theres a few batches that Ive sent out that Ill be very interested in seeing if they hatch early, also. Can that be genetic?
Im using my blue rock roo over barred rock hens. I also have a young splash rock roo; Ill use him when he's old enough also, that will make all the babies blue.
Heres the oldest of my experimental cross of blue x barred. I have only kept the girls so far, Im not growing out any blue barred boys. This chick is really cuter than the picture shows, she was just standing up as high as she could to see if she could make an escape, so I had to snap fast. Then I just had to show my chicken helper. Cant take care of the chickies without her.



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