Brahma Breeders thread

The look on the hens face in the middle says "darn it I just got all that dust in the right places and they just had to bathe me." I don't care what anyone says chickens can have a little expressive way of looking. Beautiful girls. Good luck!
Thanks, the middle one is my cockerel, and yes his face always tell me how he feels. This is our first time exhibiting so we are excited. These are my daughters so they will be entered in the junior division. I just got my breeders so I won't be showing until the fall.
Got this shot of one of my girls this week.. This group is just coming into lay, can't wait for them to pick up the pace with the longer days!

Well only 2 of the 6 eggs I started incubating is growing babies. I pulled the other 4 eggs out this morning on day 10 after candling them again just to make sure. I don't want or need another source of stinky with 2 boys, a husband, cats and a dog already in the house lmbo. My 4 yr old is enchanted about the chicks growing in the eggs. He already has names picked out. Now to go another 11 days perfectly and actually hatch them. Wish us luck with these 2 babies.

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