Brahma Breeders thread

Oh, and congrats to all of the winners. You guys had some amazing birds there, I must say I am proud to be a member of the American Brahma Club with so many great people that are working so hard to show great birds.
Very good time at a excellent Brahma National Meet at the always fantastic Ohio National show. As stated, you guys really owe it to yourselves to make it to a large national meet at least once in your life. It is really hard to describe how truly impressive, and massive well bred large fowl Brahmas are. The shear numbers, quality, and total poundage of Brahmas at this show was hard to fathom. The bantams were cute too.

Very enjoyable meeting and talking face to face with some folks that I had only previously known through this thread. Felt honored to sit in the same room with some seriously revered Brahma breeders during The American Brahma Club meeting. What bumbercarr is referring to is during the club meeting this gal that no one knew spoke up an offered advice and assistance on the operation of the clubs webpage and face book page where Tim and I might may have had been having a little fun, possibly at the expense of silkies a few days prior. I had leaned over to Tim during the meeting and asked " You don't figure she might be a spy sent here by the silkie club to infiltrate and sabotage our web site do you ?" Then we giggled a bit, or at least I did. Turned out it was bumbercarr, who we had not yet met at that time. So she's probably alright.
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Sounds like everyone had a blast! I'm hopeful that I can attend at least one show in my lifetime! Although I might die from sheer brahma awesomeness overload! I'm trying to figure out if this cockerel has vulture hocks. To my very untrained eye it does appear that he has VH. He's a big sweetie so I'd hate to have to cull him but obviously I do not want this in any of my breeders, especially since I'm just starting out!

Sounds like everyone had a blast! I'm hopeful that I can attend at least one show in my lifetime! Although I might die from sheer brahma awesomeness overload! I'm trying to figure out if this cockerel has vulture hocks. To my very untrained eye it does appear that he has VH. He's a big sweetie so I'd hate to have to cull him but obviously I do not want this in any of my breeders, especially since I'm just starting out!

Kind of hard to tell from the photos, but what I think I'm seeing, is not full blown hard feathered vulture hocks, but a kind of soft feathered form of semi vulture hocks. Both I think, are probably an inheritance from some Cochin ancestry, at least it was in my birds case.

Not sure if the soft form is a DQ like the hard feathered form is, but I would not consider either a good thing to have in my breeding program.
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