Breda Fowl thread

... hopefully he will breed them.
Thank you dutchbunny83. I guess I'll wait until Spring when hatching season is in full swing to see if anything Breda turns up either on eBay or breeder websites. Skyline Poultry has both Breda & Dominique that I'm interested in but don't know if they'll be willing to ship juveniles rather than eggs or chicks. I like getting a juvenile age as I'm a backyard owner and can't have a large order of chicks or hatching eggs w/ nowhere to find homes for possible cockerels. For a couple of my other rare breeds I found someone who shipped 2 juvie pullets successfully to me by USPS but for Breda and Dominique it's been more of a challenge. I'm not looking for SQ so I get the PQ's which a lot of breeders want to find homes for anyway.

I think the California breeder just started listing again on Ebay this week. Go and search for Breda hatching eggs and see. the south we are at the beginning of the new laying season. I have seen 7 Breda eggs already this month from my lone Breda Hen. I just need a Broody hen now because my wife won't let me hatch in the garage any more.

My Breda is the top layer in my flock right now out of about 30 hens. My hatchery RIR is #2 with 6 eggs this month. The Cream Legbars are #3. I got 5 eggs from 5 cream Legbar hens in the breeding pens on Thursday so the laying season is here. :)
Last edited: the south we are at the beginning of the new laying season. I have seen 7 Breda eggs already this month from my lone Breda Hens. I just need a Broody hen now because my wife won't let me hatch in the garage any more.

Your wife would hate my house, I had my incubator running on my formal dining room table from June through January hahaha. I finally packed it up, we have enough birds for now.
Oh no! I love eggs on the counter, especially if they're all different colors!

I spoke too soon on the incubator, I just broke it back out haha!

I noticed when I opened my Ameraucana's egg earlier it had the fertile bulls eye. My Breda & my exchequer leghorn all left on Saturday and I didn't think either were mature enough to fertilize, apparently I was wrong. Don't know which it was, but I'm going to attempt to incubate a few and see if I can get something to hatch. Usually I don't like "mutt" chickens, but I've never had a rooster long enough to get a fertile egg, it just made me so excited I have to try!
I am new to the Breda breed, but have been reviewing this thread to get more insight. Just wanted to say hi. I am on a waiting list for hatching eggs. And as a normal chicken addict, I check my email everyday hoping they have eggs for me. Beautiful breed, can't wait.

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