Breda Fowl thread

No worries :) It's been mind-boggling posting all these things in one day, lol.
The shipping would depend on your zip code-could I get that from you? And, I have chick shipping gro gel, container and straw for shipping them. I would sell them all to you for $60 plus shipping. I think there's 16-I have to recount. There's also 1 swedish flower chick that hatched in with them-would you like it or we can take it out of the batch.
Awesome, thanks.
Oh I just realized I didn't post pictures with-I can if you like.
5 new breda chicks! These are from rare feather ranch eggs. Hoping to build onto my coops this summer so my Bredas will have their own place.

they have stayed healthy so far- two blacks and a blue, I am hoping i have one pair in there somewhere. *fingers crossed* if not i will try the place you got yours from to try to get some different genes and hopefully i will eventually wind up with a good breeding flock.
Angelobutter, I have 11 Breda chicks right now that need a good home. Would you be interested? The parents originally are from Greenfire Farms. Pm me if interested.
The Breda chickens that I have for sale at the moment are:
12 Breda chicks, 11 days old
3 Black Breda hens laying daily, 2 Blue Breda hens laying daily
About 75 Breda and Creme Legbar eggs in the incubator due to hatch April 30th abouts. A gentleman is waiting to pick the first hatchlings out of those eggsand then if anyone is interested in the rest of them as they hatch, I can send them out right away. This will be the last time we hatch out Bredas this season. If interested lemme know k and I'll start a call/email list as it happens. Thanks. The parents are all originally from GreenFire Farms.
well usually i would be all over those younger chicks but my husband says we have too many chicks at the moment. which is true haha, we have everything from barnyard mixes, to bielefelder, breda, ga noi, white faced black spanish, ameraucana, ee's, and silkie mix chicks, and we still have muscovy duck and showgirl silkies in the incubators.... so I will have to pass for now. I still have the three breda chicks so I am crossing my fingers there is at least a male and a female, if i am lucky it will be a male and two females but they will probably all be boys knowing my luck haha.
I just got two of these little cutes last week! I am excited to add some white egg layers to my flock! They do lay white right? I think I have a black and blue chick. I will read through the thread later, but how long before I can tell the gender? Thanks for your help!


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