Go forward Turk! How are the chanteclers coming along ?

Everything is moving along, right on track...except more of my White Chanteclers (as if there were any true Chanteclers of any other color) are going broody earlier than I expected. These are the older gals so it might make your birds a bit older than you want...perhaps a month or so. Hope that's okay with you.
Turk, you have Chanteclers too?

White or Partridge?

If all goes well, I'll be the proud new momma of some PCs this next week.... Can't wait to try out this lovely heritage breed.
Yes indeed...I have Whites. Best of luck with your birds but have a care....many of the colored birds (Albertans, as I consider them) will show up with pea combs and they will need some work to get that correct. Perhaps crossing/back-crossing with the Whites will help if you run into that problem.

For a long time, having the colored birds called Chanteclers upset me quite a bit but I did come to the acceptance in my own mind that I have NO control of the deeds or mis-deeds of APA and that these birds will likely forever be called Chanteclers. They are indeed beautiful birds but I can't see me having any of them on my farm. Yet I have done stranger things!

I mentioned having found some White American Bresse that I plan to 'work on' by covering with Black Australorps...perhaps you saw that? Well there has been another twist...I am also now the owner of two White Australorps that will almost certainly figure into my program.

I suspect there will be plenty of fanciers of both breeds who will be equally upset with my project or perhaps even more so but I feel I'm doing 'good works' considering the condition the American Bresse are in due to the aforementioned genetic bottleneck but to so much inbreeding. Certainly worse breeds could have been chosen to work with. I'll be doing this before the public for all to see, and not 'behind the barn', to give the folks any false notions that I have birds that have all come from the native French stock.

Again, if I can be of help to you with your Partridge Chanteclers, just send me a message. I can receive messages but for some reason I can not execute a response to a PM.

EDIT to clarify...the White Australorps are both cock birds.
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Yes indeed...I have Whites.  Best of luck with your birds but have a care....many of the colored birds (Albertans, as I consider them) will show up with pea combs and they will need some work to get that correct.  Perhaps crossing/back-crossing with the Whites will help if you run into that problem.

For a long time, having the colored birds called Chanteclers upset me quite a bit but I did come to the acceptance in my own mind that I have NO control of the deeds or mis-deeds of APA and that these birds will likely forever be called Chanteclers.  They are indeed beautiful birds but I can't see me having any of them on my farm.  Yet I have done stranger things!  :hugs

I mentioned having found some White American Bresse that I plan to 'work on' by covering with Black Australorps...perhaps you saw that?  Well there has been another twist...I am also now the owner of two White Australorps that will almost certainly figure into my program.

I suspect there will be plenty of fanciers of both breeds who will be equally upset with my project or perhaps even more so but I feel I'm doing 'good works' considering the condition the American Bresse are in due to the aforementioned genetic bottleneck but to so much inbreeding.  Certainly worse breeds could have been chosen to work with.  I'll be doing this before the public for all to see, and not 'behind the barn', to give the folks any false notions that I have birds that have all come from the native French stock.

Again, if I can be of help to you with your Partridge Chanteclers, just send me a message.  I can receive messages but for some reason I can not execute a response to a PM.

Thank you kindly for the offer! I certainly will.
They arrived today, but look to be in pretty poor condition due to a delayed delivery, so at this point a trio out of the original 7 birds is all I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for.

I also don't think Partridge Chanteclers should be called Chanteclers, but hey, I'm not arguing with the APA SOP.

Yes, I did see that. Will be interesting to see what comes out of it. Me, I like all mutts and I cannot lie ;)

I have 2 birds out of an EE x Sultan cross I did last year, both pullets, and I love them. Amazingly, they have most of the traits I wanted from both breeds in one generation.... Ignorant person's luck, eh?
I've got no clue what I'm doing here but am seeking to expand my knowledge on breeding to the true APA standard, which IMO contains both productivity and looks.
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Okay I have some updating to do.

My new CX Roosters have been covering my White 3/4 Dark Cornish-1/4CX hens since 3/26/17.

My first fertile egg, laid 3 days later, hatched out on 4/20/2017.

The first chick is 10 days old and weighs 260g

For comparison, these guys are 3/4 Dark Cornish born in the same batch.

The next 4 chicks - CX roosters over 3/4DC-CX were born 4/26/17 and are 4 days old.
weights 91g, 78g, 69g, 66g

Okay I have some updating to do.

My new CX Roosters have been covering my White 3/4 Dark Cornish-1/4CX hens since 3/26/17.

My first fertile egg, laid 3 days later, hatched out on 4/20/2017.

The first chick is 10 days old and weighs 260g

For comparison, these guys are 3/4 Dark Cornish born in the same batch.

The next 4 chicks - CX roosters over 3/4DC-CX were born 4/26/17 and are 4 days old.
weights 91g, 78g, 69g, 66g

Very fine looking chicks!

I just glad you have found time to do anything besides being stuck to your new house. You'll remember, I contacted you a while back with intent to try to wrangle you out of some 3/4 DC pullets but you didn't seem to be of a mind to hear anything other than your house. It's good to see you're getting your schedule rounded out.

In the incubator, I have a 96g egg.

I have candled it everyday to see if it is still going.

I cannot wait to see this chick.

I am afraid it might drown if not near the airsac.

It is not a double yolker.

It has stress fractures all the way around the egg.
It is the largest single yolk egg my girls have ever laid.

Betty lays 83g eggs on a regular basis.

This egg came from another.

Dad is one of my F2 Dark Cornish Roosters out of BamBam.
Mom is either a Pure Dark Cornish or a 50%DC-50%CX.
Guinevere my SOP DC is the only hen known to lay in the upper barrel. If this egg is hers I will be surprised. Her eggs are never larger than 58g.
Fingers crossed the hatch date 5/14/17.

New PCs... Only two made it. Sorry for sideways picture, my mobile device and I are at war with each other.

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