Thanks guys! It's been a lot of work. And sometimes that hardware cloth has gotten the better of me. It's supposed to be square, but never is.
My husband laughs at me when I handle it because I'm always griping about how it's not square. I'm one of those very detail-oriented people when it comes to my construction projects. When I build good furniture I measure in millimeters. Do you know how hard it is to find tape measures that measure in millimeters? When I find them I buy them in bulk. I've got nearly a dozen tape measures in my wood shop...and never have one within reach when I need it, LOL!

I thought it was me! I had always assumed it was somehow my fault or my construction or stapling was off if I couldn't get it to fit - both coops have a hardware cloth "wrap" and I can get only so far (about two sides) before it starts not fitting right... Has been making me nuts!

Well, THAT explains a lot...
Women with tools!


Just broke down and got a reciprocating saw yesterday... I think I must have one of everything now! Crazy! But if I have to keep building coops and growout pens and breeder pens and housing for additional roosters and sheds for storage, I'm super glad I have them. Now if I could just rustle up some TIME...

- Ant Farm
There have been a couple small cuts on the necks of a couple of the cockerels from battling over who gets to eat first, etc., but I'm not too worried about their space right now because I'll be systematically "thinning their numbers" over the coming weeks. Eventually there will only be 3-4 left, and I'll release them to free range with the other birds.
I was talking about the turkins or how ever they are called, not having feathers around the neck. I am too blind to notice any scratches in pictures. How long have you had naked neck chickens? I am thinking about getting some but I am not sure how they do in the winters here.
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I was talking about the turkins or how ever they are called, not having feathers around the neck. I am too blind to notice any scratches in pictures. How long have you had naked neck chickens? I am thinking about getting some but I am not sure how they do in the winters here.

@stryker I hear they are very hardy in cold weather. I'm thinking of getting some myself.

Naked Necks are AWESOME!!!!! Get some!!!!!

Check out the big Naked Neck thread - lots of us here are over there as well...

- Ant Farm
@lpatelski that could explain why that Dinovite stuff works. Inlaws Llewelyn setter al the sudden was looking ragged and stinky. I heard the ad on the radio and talked them into getting it. It cured him, brand new dog.
Naked Necks are AWESOME!!!!! Get some!!!!!

Check out the big Naked Neck thread - lots of us here are over there as well...

- Ant Farm
LOL, I was at TSC a few years ago and they had mixed chickens running around and the guy said that those chicks who lost the fluff off the neck are stressed so bad from shipping that they were half price. I should have got them but all I did was go along with it and told him that if he does not remove them away from the others then all of the chicks will end up with what ever those chicks have. He looked at me and said we cannot have that. He started to move them as I walked away.
I was talking about the turkins or how ever they are called, not having feathers around the neck. I am too blind to notice any scratches in pictures. How long have you had naked neck chickens? I am thinking about getting some but I am not sure how they do in the winters here.

Jason tells me the low temp. during this latest cold snap was negative 5*F but has wind chill factors from 15 to 35* F and the NNs are as spry and comfortable as the White Chanteclers. Not that my previous experience with them would have given me any notions to the contrary. The farm had snow depth of 31 inches with 5 feet plus drifts. In that snow and wind, all birds were kept in but were out where he dozed open ground for them and strung a large bail of orchard grass hay.

As for jokes....who would I be to get excited or mad about being the brunt of a joke? I think LIFE is reason enough to jigger someone!!!

I've made a special purchase from one of our folks on the board. I'll tell about it later if the seller doesn't want to mention it themselves. Quite thrilled about it.

EDIT: I'm sure there were far higher drifts...just not where he traveled. I feel certain there are drifts that might leave snow standing in mid June if it doesn't get really warm or rain a lot.
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I just candled the eggs in my homemade incubator. My F2's both (1/2 Dark Cornish x 1/2 Cornish Roaster) are doing a fine job. Redmen(1st timer cockerel) and Lavenia(first egg at 132 days)
13 eggs in - 3 yokers (one misshapen, one double, one no excuse) - 76% settled...not that I'm counting my chickens before they've hatched
Way to go kids!
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