Brevard County FL Ordinance change

We want to thank everyone who has helped to bring us this far and is standing behind this effort.

And to the Chicken Whisperer, Andy Schneider, we want to offer our gratitude. To take time out from your vacation to support our cause goes beyond any reasonable expectation of support. We, and everyone working to bring back backyard chickens across the country, are fortunate to have you as an advocate. THANK YOU.

Margaret & Toby
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Hi! I signed up just to let you know that I support this petition. I've been trying to sign it but keep getting a "server error" message. Regardless if I'm able to get my name on there or not, I want you to know that I'm cheering you guys on 110%! I'd love to be able to raise some chickens in our backyard. :)
Thank you! I'm looking into the issue but the last time it happened it started working properly as I was trying to determine where the problem is.

I think it's just nervous going into next week
Just wanted to let you know that, even though I haven't been able to sign the petition yet, I did call them up on my lunchbreak today to lend my support for changing the code. Still rooting for the cause! So exciting and I'm glad I checked out this forum when I did; I'd have kicked myself if I had missed out on lending my voice and vote. Not sure if I can make the meeting (I have work) but you will have my vote regardless of my absence. :)
You all are AWESOME for contacting the commisioners! Please keep it up by spreading the word! Anyone who is showing up tomorrow please try to show our solidarity wearing yellow.

Remember, the meeting starts at 9:00AM.

Thanks again!
I won't be able to make the meeting then, but I decided to send off an (probably overly-lengthy) email to each of the commissioners explaining my support for this effort and my reasoning for this support (don't worry, I made sure to tell them where I stood in the Subject line AND the first sentence, just in case their eyes glazed over after seeing the rest of it :p). There should be no question left on where I stand on this; I wish you all the best and hope there is significant enough turn-out at the meeting tomorrow. My thoughts will be with you guys and hopefully the chickens will win the day!

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