Buff Laced Brahma

Hi Dan,

I am not new to poultry in general but I am new to Backyard Chickens and breeding for type in general. I have an eleven year old daughter that has expressed an interest in breeding for type and maybe showing. She also likes the idea of creating something new or better. For the past two months we have been looking for the right project(s). I have told her that we must limit ourselves to no more than three coops/runs. I just finished one so we are carefully evaluating alternatives. I have also explained, and she now understands, that with some varieties of color such as BBS she can play with a much more diverse gene pool in the same area.

To get to the point, brahmas and particularly the buff and gold laced brahamas are on the shortlist. At eleven beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder as she has a hard time understanding that you created the gold laced to create the buff laced. She really likes the gold laced as much as the buff laced. We have a few questions. A couple of which might not be exactly on topic so forgive me.

1. The big question is what are the characteristics that need to be improved and what do you think needs to be done to improve the type/variety/breed. I know this is incredibly general in nature.

2. What are the egg laying characteristics of the buff and gold laced brahamas. I have heard it is on the low side.

3. I have read one of your posts elsewhere that the buff laced color is one of your favorites so I believe that you intended it to be and end result. Do you intend to use it to create something else or is that even a possibility? I know this is one is a little off topic but it may bear on our decision.

lastly, thanks again for being willing to share your knowledge and experience.

I went on your web site and OMG all your birds are breath taking.

Would love some of all!
Would the genetics of the Buff Laced Brahmas allow you to create a Blue Laced Red Brahma? Is the White in the lacing Dominant or Recessive? And also, could one breed the Buff Laced Brahmas to Bantam Brahmas and such to create a bantam version; or would that take as long as it did to create the large from scratch? Sorry for all the questions but these birds are truely fascinating.

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