*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Ah thanks! No we don't show our chickens. I think our two actually have some sort of genetic problem. I was out of town when they started laying so I have no idea when or how this happened. But when I returned from my trip both were egg bound with what I am assuming were their first eggs. One had her egg stuck inside of her vent and the vent had prolapsed and looked like it had been that way for awhile. We actually had to cut the egg out and clean her daily and keep her in a dog crate in the garage until she healed and could return to the flock. The other one was egg bound too but after soaking her twice she managed to expel it. It was a very gross experience. They both had maggots arounds their vents as well. Since it happened to only the buff orpingtons that we purchased together from the same store I think is must be a genetic issue with their line. But I am happy to say that both hens are fine now and laying like crazy without a problem. The things we do for our chickens :).
Wow amazing they made it - sounds like you did a great job! It is crazy want we do for our chickens. Still they are beautiful
In your experiences, about how many years do hatchery buffs lay GOOD. I have two hatchery Buffs and they are pullets hatched in May. They both lay every day a bigger than large egg. Would 4 buffs be kay enough to feed a mother , father, 1 yrs old? Thanks.
Aw Bill you warm my Heart. My freind
VIVI is one nice lady who I am sending one of my CUCKOO Orp cockerels to and I only charged her $100 for everything to ship the bird. To me that is a fair price. It will be at least $70 to $80 to just ship the bird. That is deep enough into one's pocket. I hear of those charging $400 for a bird. And that is just too much for a bird.
Hello Orpington peeps. I am thinking about getting some Orpington roos to raise for meat this spring. At what age do they reach butchering weight?

I'm not sure but would guess depending on how big a chicken you want from 3-6 months. You might ask over on the meat bird threads and see if anyone is doing it
I finally found the cameras and I managed to get the boy to find the cables... grr.. computers.
anyway here are a couple of when the girls escaped last month.

cute buffs u have alot! love em! so cute!

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