BYC Café

Is it morning already? Thanks for the coffee
smiley yawn.gif
Morning! Sunshine so gottagitterdun before the rains come:wee !!!!
Another hail storm came in, pea size, but enough to add a tinge of white to the ground. I have no idea what the gardens look like. At this point, I am just happy for my lilac, which I make sure to sniff every morning while it has blooms.
Thanks for the coffee!
Good morning, Cafe.
Thanks for the coffee.
I love the coffee ice cube idea. I'm going to get an ice tray.
I'm cut up, bruised and battered after trying to secure the run. I didn't make it. Hopefully after work tonight.
One flogging and one bite to my chest by the spawn of Satan. When I picked him up he got really pissed and that was all he could do... turn and bite me. It took a bit of control not to strangle him on the spot.
All of the chickens are having a hard time dealing with getting in and out of the new run as the HC goes up. Half the chicks flew into a wall when they saw their buddies tearing around the pen. Oops.
I have a VERY persistent broody girl. :barnie

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