BYC Café

After convicted Felon, PG&E caused the fire last November that destroyed the town of Paradise and killed 85 people, The Utility decided to cut power in places and on days that had high fire danger.

Of course proper maintenance of the power lines would solve the problem....
Wow, that's awful. Just looked it up, sounds like quite the history of neglect by the power company.
I think I would honestly eat this myself :lau :oops:

The three witches (Bracket, Hinge and Nolia) going through the recently dumped compost.
View attachment 1916972

Punch.View attachment 1916974

Finally get the main field plowed and sown with alfalfa. View attachment 1916975

Treacle posing as usual. View attachment 1916976
Mel taking her evening bath while I keep an eye on the chicks. View attachment 1916977
The chicks I'm keeping an eye on. View attachment 1916979
Treacle is a seriously handsome dude. He should pose.
It all went wrong today.:he
The main house has guests. A women and her brat of a child.
I tell everyone who comes here do not try to pet or feed any of the chickens. I try as politely as possible to explain that they are dangerous and while they may see me doing things with the chickens it's because the chickens know me, not because they are human friendly. I make this absolutely clear and I do mean absolutely clear.

There are chicks all over the place and this stupid women, the sort that knows better than anyone else, and her brat, were watching me do the mid afternoon feed. If she had been more observant she would have noticed I put Knock and her chicks bowl down and backed off.
I didn't see it but I heard the scream. The stupid women got a piece of bread and with her brat went to try and entice Knocks chicks close enough to grab one. She said she wanted her brat to hold a real live chick.:he Knock does not mess about. She is very aggressive and of course when the women made a grab for the chick, knock let her have both barrels. Knock got in two good rakes with her feet; five stitches worth of rakes to be precise.:oops:
Now I've got the people in the main house saying Knock has to go and she's dangerous. My response probably wasn't super tactful in saying anyone who even touches knock is going to get their fingers broken. I pointed out that I had warned this women as I always do and if she was too stupid to take heed neither I nor knock are responsible.
Needless to say I'm in the doghouse but they've taken me seriously and talk about getting rid of Knock has stopped.

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