BYC Café

My Mom had divested herself of most of her 'stuff'. My in-laws on the other hand left a full house that became our responsibility to sort. The Princess and I are trying to set things up so that it will be easier for our kids. If and when it becomes necessary we will really downsize and move to an assisted care facility. Lord, that's a horrible thought for me.
My FIL hasn't even begun to go through anything and they both passed some time ago.

You're very active physically and mentally all there by all appearances. That assisted living facility may never happen. Those same grandparents hosted holiday gatherings well into their 90s and were going on camp outs in their motor home at 99+.
Smart of just plain lucky ? Anyway after all the joking I know what's good for me, and although it may sound strange I think I knew it from the instant that I met her. Instant like at first conversation.
I usually knew from the 1st five minutes, that the date I was with Was NOT the woman for me.
I run! No time for empty promises, or meaningless @##!

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