BYC Café

Very privileged:bow today to have Tribe 2 minus Bracket and chicks visit.

Punch and Hinge right outside my door. Rivit came in.:th
Tribe 2 haven't been round as a group since last summer.
Rocks-Anne, you are a special bird to me, Rocks-Anne, your beauty sets my soul free!:D
She likes it anyways!
We have conversations about their "egg song" and other vocalizations.....maybe Rocks-Anne sits on the roost with the girls and discusses your song....."I think she recognizes me because she has this song she only sings when I'm around.....what do you think, girls?"
I used to sing to my corgi "Rigby"...
Riggy Riggy you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind HEY RIGGY.....SHORT RIGGY...Riggy Riggy you're so're so fine you blow my mind.....HEY RIGGY...SHORT RIGGY!!
Pretty snappy, huh? She loved it....ran around like a maniac.
I sing to Jolene... Jolene Jolene Jolene JOOOOLLLLEEENNNEEE I begging of you please don't take my sock...
How many of you think about the creation of Giant Silkies is a good idea?
Not me but that is because I'm not a fan of feather duster headed chickens.

Sure, but I don't think genetics quite works out that way all the time. Kind of like kids with tall parents and they're short or short parents with tall kids.
You mean like me being 6'2", DW 5'6" and DD1 is 5'2" (almost) and DD2 it 5'6.5"?

I would love to go to China!
Just not right now!

A big factor is the cost of housing. Folks that live in the Bay Area save on housing by living in Sacramento! Then they have to commute long distances on I-80
Same as So Cal. The "inland empire" wasn't horribly populated until people started buying the cheaper houses there and commuting to L.A.. They keep building new freeways and they are gridlocked during commuting hours.

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