BYC Café

Now that the movement restrictions have been lifted and people are out and about again some of us are waiting to see if there will be a rise in the infection rate before we make any long term plan...
They eased restrictions here, now the state gov has shut down bar interiors due to several cluster explosions of cases traced to bars.
.....and the number of anti-maskers :barnie
I just figure, "if you knew better, you'd do better." But why is it so hard to get through to some people? I saw a quote in a news article to the effect that masks were for people who had symptoms or had tested positive. I was hoping that the reporter doing that interview turned off their microphone and told that person, "Wrong! Masks are for people who seem healthy, but may not be. If you have symptoms or have tested positive, you are supposed to STAY HOME!" The WHO is even talking about an "infodemic," a flood of information, a lot of which may be inaccurate, misleading, or even dangerous.
The milkweed is in bloom and it smelled positively wonderful in the fields this morning!
Good morning Cafe.
Coffee is made. tea bags, milk and sugar are on the counter.
It's already hot.
I guess I'll stay in the shade and play with masks.
Now that the movement restrictions have been lifted and people are out and about again some of us are waiting to see if there will be a rise in the infection rate before we make any long term plans.
Here in my area, The cases are trending up higher than the State Guidance so indoor dining, bars, card rooms, casinos and indoor family venues are now closed for three weeks.
Mornin', y'all! :frow

We got rumbled at quite a bit yesterday, but relatively little rain, thankfully. We'll see if we are so lucky today. I heard the bug truck spraying on the path behind our property last night, but I doubt it did much good - it seldom does. I've pretty much resigned myself to taking baths in bug spray whenever I expect to be out in the yard for more than a couple of minutes . . . ugh.:sick

My masks are all DIY. I waited to make them until the local hospital posted plans for masks that they would accept for use by their staff (not the front-line doctors and nurses, of course - they get the N95's!). These have two layers of cotton cloth, and two layers of interfacing to help with filtration, plus a pocket into which you could slip additional filter material. Annoyingly, by the time I found these plans, I could no longer find elastic, and it turned out I hadn't any leftovers from previous projects, so I've had to resort to ties. Ah, well, at least they are washable and reusable - hubby tells me disposable face masks have become a common litter item he finds on a lot of properties these days *sigh*
Does he find gloves too?

Both have been showing up in store parking lots here
My latest brood just turned 9 weeks. I did have 3 boys and 5 girls but Malcolm died in his little freak accident when he was 6 weeks old.
Meet.. Fabio's kids
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And Captain's kids...
Mystic - grey chick
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The boys, Matrix, who has more of a green sheen to his feathers...
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And Maximilian, who has more of a purple sheen.
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I couldn't get a decent picture of MaeDay because she is so shy she hid under the Ninebark and kept circling it every time I tried to get a picture of her!
They are looking good at this age!
They irritate me. I stare them all right in the eye and say, "Hey, your mask fell off!"
They always look sheepishly away and say nothing in return.
A couple of weeks ago I had a guy call me stupid for wearing a mouth... along with other obscenities. Some of them are dangerous!

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